Show Wh Why Colorful Names Man linn Mans of lr our picturesque names for tutors colors such as green pen vermilion chestnut were brought Into Inlo use Ulle by biologists to 10 de describe dc e the colors of ot birds an sad nd Mowers lowers NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE-In In the District Court of ot the Fifth Judicial District In and forthe forthe for forthe the County of Iron State of Utah Inthe In Inthe Inthe the matter of the estate of ot Paul Kirchner Kirchner Kirch Kirch- ner nee Defendant Notice Is s hereby given g that the duly verified petition of Steve King praying for the probate of a nuncupative will of said deceased and for tor letters of administration with the will annexed to Reuben E. E has been set t for tor hearing on the day of August 1931 at ten o'clock A.M. A.M. A. A Is M. M at the Court Room of the County Court House at Parowan Iron County Utah at which time tune and place plate any person interested in said estate may appear and show how cause if U any they haw have why hy said nuncupative will should not be admitted to probate and letters lettus of administration with ith the will annexed Issued to said wd Reuben euben E. E Witness the Clerk Clerk of said aid Court with th the seal thereof affixed this day of July 1931 SEAL W W. CLAW CLAm ROWLEY Clerk SHAY d SHAY SUAY Attorneys for Petitioner July 29 25 Aug 5 l 5 IE |