Show Cedar-Beaver Cedar Lions Clash Clash Beaver Beaver Licked Members of the Cedar Lions Club visited Beaver Deaver Thursday defeating the Lions Club of that town in an exciting Indoor baseball game by score a of 9 0 to 6 In the evening they were the guests of the Beaver Deaver club at Its regular regular regular regu regu- lar weekly luncheon and meeting at which time they were royally entertained entertained enter enter- in a a. friendly together get I fashion The team that represented the Cedar Cedar Ce Ce- dar club was composed of 01 R. R E. E EWin Win Win- catcher Jim Urie pitcher Hartley Woodbury 1st base Joe McArthur McArthur McArthur Mc- Mc Arthur 2nd base John Blazzard 3rd base bue Dr Prestwich 1st short stop Walt Granger Oranger 2nd short stop Wilson Lunt left field Scott 1 11 D center center center cen cen- ter field and Dr O. O OJ A Aur Ai JI om n right field The game was a a. part 01 or the Beaver er Home Coming celebration and the meeting was held to promote friendliness friend friend- liness linesa and cooperation between neighboring neighboring neigh boring Lions Llana Clubs |