Show Nevada Investigates I Payroll Problems I At Boulder Dam The Nevada Ne state industrial commission commission commission com com- mission and the state labor commission commission commis commis- sion slon at the request of ot the officials of the Nevada State Federation of Labor is investigating the discontinuance of semi-monthly semi paydays by the Six Companies Inc Hoover Dam builders and alleged holding out of 10 cents dally daily form the wages of workmen to pay industrial insurance premiums The state law provides workmen must be paid twice a month and labor leaders have Informed Labor Commissioner Commissioner Commis Commis- stoner William Royle that the Six Companies recently put workmen on ona ona ona a monthly basis in direct violation of the statute An opinion has been asked from the Attorney General on whether the state has power to enforce this law lawon lawon lawon on a government reservation Labor officials also say the contractIng contracting contracting contract- contract Ing firm is Ls taking out besides 10 cents dally daily for insurance an additional 5 cents daily dally for medical fees The state law authorizes companies to take out 1 per month for tor hospital fees but does docs not allow concerns to take money from wages to pay Insurance premiums according to the industrial commission |