Show WOMAN SO 0 ILL I WASHED DISHES SITTING DOWN Mrs Mn Ashcroft's Remarkable Recovery ry After Taking Lydia E E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound Covinton Ky Hy I I was waa BO so weak and nervous l I co could uld ld hardly do my lay housework as sa I could not stand tand f 1 because of the bear bear- if f Ing down ing-down own pains in my i a j back and abdomen I sat eat down most of the time timo what a I could do in that I way way way-as a a washing i dishes dishos etc One day daya l to IM I'M a book describing r Lydia E. E Pinkham's P I 1 11 medicines was put in my man mailbox I 1 saw how now the tho Vegetable Vegetable Vege Vege- I table Compound had helped others II BO so I 1 gave it a trial I had to take tako about a is aLydia I I but I certainly praise pral this medicine I Then I took Lydia E E. Pinkham's Blood medicine for poor blood I 1 was cold al all II the time I would be BO so cold I 1 could I 1 hardly sit still and in tho the palms of my hands handa them thero would be drops of sweat I II I also used the tho Sanative Wash ash and I 1 recommend ft Jt also You may publish this letter and I will wilt glad gladly answer letten letters let let- ten on from women and ana advise advise my ml neigh bors bon about these medicines M Mra Mm HARRY ASHCROFT Beech Avenue Covington Kentucky Dont Don't Forget Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites An exquisite face tace skin baby and dust Ing powder and perfume rendering other perfumes superfluous You Yon ma roar may rely on It because one of ot the Trio Soap Ointment and Talcum each everywhere Advertisement Advertisement DEMAND unA BAYER YER ASPIRIN Take Tablet la Fear If You See Ceo the Safety Dayer Cross Cre Warning I Unless you rou see the tho name n Bayer on package or oc on tablets you ore are not getting the genuine Bayer Dayer Aspirin proved ro d safe sate by millions and prescribed by physicians for tor 23 years Say Bay Bayer when you OU buy Aspirin Imitations may prove dangerous dangerous Adv Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION t 6 BELL ANS BELL ANS ij t Hot Not water M. M SU Sure re Relief ELL ELL-ANS E AIN LL-AIN 25 AND 7 75 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Oars O in 24 flours In Darts WN M n I PARKERS PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM a Rm stop Hair raUla r Color and aDd d Ba to Crar i and Faded a Hair lc and 4 S II i aJ M at I ruy llata is m Po k hf bUN N T T. T Corni Cl owes eta eto atu alapa all aU pate pain comfort to Ui tha lot feet makel walking walking el Iso br mall or ii i brae lists lau N. N r I. I r RESI RESINOL NOL And for ForSkin Skin Disorders t wn AI Make alak Pitt rill out I orders ordera atari atari- VI ala 1 din dime cute colli Hand lInd work shop She Ill W. W rth Bh Wyo WIG e modal of or ai fOI w PATENTS a. a Ul h at noe toe H aei at reuta a sa owl T Vi K nook eI t r. r at atm UI I m 0 as h. h R HELPFUL HELPFUL EYE WASH lot N. N T. T 11 CS lilt ATE ITt 1 d IM au lh the b heat beat la I. kept p of ot th tha tb cooker rooker mok ra 01 and aDd out of the Ilia eth eel give a a cool aw 11 weer C C. U. U IX U- 3 SOO 06 pIU a taw fw rent Oa wanted I. I COXLEY caMLEY PUB 1111 CO Wl BATON ILL I. I D. D S. S Business College SCHOOL or AU All branch Catalog oc fr fr rr- rr O 00 ON N. N Mat Mala 1 SI 51 SALT LAKE lAIU CITY |