Show Moslem Modem Fast of 01 Ramazan In the Moslem world 1 1 assion Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day corresponds with the first day dllY of the month long fast falit of Ramazan DurIng Dur Our DurIng Ing western customs where they have been ben adopted are lire set aside and the more primitive native manners revived The muezzin supplements his hI usual announcement of th the th hour ol of prayer with the exhortation live ot food 0 O J ye faithful unto the orphan and the poor po r the w wayfarer yf er and tI tbs bondman and though the wealthy d d. d stand tand at 1 not now s In former days their doors and Invite the needy to well-laden well table Ramun Ramazan remains f r time of peace charity ud sad nd o |