Show t THE IRON CO COUNTY RECORD D. D Entered as second clue claw matter atthe atthe at atthe the Postoffice at Cedar City Utah December 1893 under the act of con con- creu of March 8 3 1879 ROLLO HOLLO AND SONS Publishers Publisher r Advertising rates rate mad made known I upon open application I SUBSCRIPTION PER YEAR FOR SALE 00 Eight roomed house cement cellar in basement good corner location on main street The best location left len for a a Garage Lumber yard or second secondhand secondhand secondhand hand store Ninety acres of f farming fanning and Three e city lots Jots D. D M. M CLARK Twin Pine House J Adv A A A 20 20 tf U. ii a at di t n h l f f f 5 1 j. j Three Varnishes for Three Surfaces Surface SCAR N is an interior varnish specially adapted 1 W I for use on furniture and woodwork It is absolutely waterproof and will not become white or cloudy when subjected to the action of hot or cold mid water This makes it the ideal varnish to use on fur fur- It will take and hold a beautiful polish NAT MAR U AR a varnish manufactured for use on I v. v I floors floers It is is tough and durable and will give the maximum mum of long life and resist the wear and tear incident to furniture moving and the continuous continuous continuous con con- stomp of heels A leaky radiator or window left open during a storm will not injure a Not Mar-Not finished floor Not Mar-Not is waterproof b YB P the King of Spar Varnishes It is tough and yanc and durable yet sufficiently elastic to resist all aU action of rain sleet and snow fresh and salt saltwater saltwater saltwater water and the varying temperatures from extreme heat to zero weather will give satisfaction satis satis- faction for all outdoor work A complete line of Williams Sherwin-Williams Finishes will be found at our bur store including House Paint Enamels Enamel Tone Flat-Tone and A Finish For Ever Every Surface SH SHERWIN N PAINTS 8 VARNISHES a Cedar Lumber Co Cedar City Utah I F. F 0 O. B. B Flint Michigan kr krA A glance at this photographic reproduction of the SUPER Touring Car shows why it stands in a quality class of its 1923 SUPERIOR Line Passenger 5 Touring own own incomparable Here is an automobile which anyone can be proud to own be be cause of its the minute the up complete modern engineer ing and the lowest operating costs of any passenger 5 passenger automobile automo automo- bile made NOTHING COMPARES WIT WITH CHEVROLET Cedar City Garage II III I c rt 0 u n el ON r j l I a a t 7 o o ie i 1 t ty 1 y 1 y SOLID LEATHER SHOES Inside and outside in every detail our shoes are are built for service and solid comfort Into each pair we put the maximum value at the lowest price furnish price price price-f furnish riah you extra good gooel shoes shoes- High in Quality Low Lowin in Pric Prices Price We challenge the shoe world on value and price and stand stand squarely behind each sale with the strongest warrant of quality ever put behind good shoes Try Them and You Will Always Buy Them Tema Cedar Sheep Association f 10 I Bill Frank Peter or Tom it makes no difference WHO The only way to buy a suit is 15 to to f Get em emMade emMade em emMade Made for You I II I Get Yours Taylor Made j I SOU UT Iff CO i 3 G rl i Jf h I Standard of A Cozy Comfortable Coupe for Three This Buick 3 passenger Coupe is economical and at the same time exceedingly comfortable for business and faily use tse tt e. e 1 Its wide ide doors open to an interior with every refinement refine ment merit and convenience for perfect comfor all the year Its fine plush covered seat is low and comfortable DiS Disappearing door dear windows and adjustable windshields enable occupants to catch the summer cummer breeze or ex ex ex- slur winters winter's cold Noti Notable im improvements in engine and spring suspension have materially increased readability and stamina Fours Sixes J 7 P. P Pan R Rl 1 65 7 2 P. P Pass Road 1115 4 Pa Pall Coupe 1895 1695 S 5 P T Tour S 5 3 r.- r. C 1175 s 5 P. P ToW Tour 1195 7 Pa P. P Tour Tour- 1435 S 5 F. F Flu Flu- 5 1 Pan ToW Tour 7 Pau P. P 2195 5 raa Tau Sedan ISIS ms Sedan m Sport Road 1615 2 1001 at 1115 5 P. P Poo Sedan IJ 1635 Sport touring 1675 Prices f. f o. o b. b Puica d tax ta fa b ba added Ak about abott he G. G ii A. A C. C provide for Deferred When better al automobiles are built Buick will build them r t I Insurance That Protects For the very best bed in Life Insurance or Fire rile in b- 9 orance at the aLe most reasonable rate see Foster I Co Corry Cony the fellows fellow who will protect you JOO while firing Hying I and look after the wife and orphans when I dead yon you are I g FOSTER AND CORRY c |