Show I I IS IS' PRESENTED WITH VALUABLE GOLD WATCH eo 00 Alex Matheson who within a year past has come to Celar to make his home was the recipient of a handsome handsome hand hand- some gold watch and nd chain from the City Council of Parowan in recognition recognition 4 of the esteem In which he be is held and also as a token of appreciation elation to Mr Matheson for his services services services ser ser- vices as voluntary weather observer which position he held for over thirty thirty thirty thir thir- ty years rears go 00 goThe The New Hotel committee was called to Lund yesterday by some of the Union Pacific officials to talk over the matter of the completing completing com com- of the hotel It is understood understood under under- stood that the tho U. U P P. will havo have work commenced very soon so 80 th that t the tho building will be ready for occupancy by the opening of ot the 1923 tourist season 00 t Saturday evening Mr and Mrs J. J fW W. W Thornton entertained a number lof I. I of ot friends and relatives at their home The evening was spent playing play ing games singing and rendering of popular and nd pleasant music A grand supper was served at midnight and all the guests took their departure depar depar- I ture turn with many well wishes to the host and hostess 00 00 I Miss Alice ee daughter of I Mr Mr and Mrs Mra S. S A A. A Higbee of this I cit city entertained at a card party Tuesday y night in honor of her cons i Pin in Lila LUa Higbee of Toquerville There was Wal a lively crowd of young people I at tho the entertainment and each enJoyed enjoyed enjoyed en- en Joyed the evening very much The guest of honor spent the holidays I with Mr 1 and Mrs 1 Higbee 1 I roe 00 00 I H. H E. E Petersen has returned from his trip to northern Utah and reI reports reports re- re I ports that he had a n good time and andI I I was successful in the tho business matter mattera che he went w nt to attend to but nevertheless less in glad to be back in Cedar which he considers as being about I the most wide awake small town in inI inthe tho the state |