Show Wilson Over Recovery Without Washington Without debate and with a chorus of ot ayes from Democratic Democrat ic senators and silence from most o othe of or ortho t tho the Republican side the tho senate Thursday Thurs day adopted a resolution offered b by hy y Senator Harris Barris Georgia expressing g the pleasure of Joy of tho the Rena senate to upon the recovery reco toward health o of ot f former Woodrow Woodlow Wood row Wilson Senator Harris la 11 presenting the tho resolution res rs soon after arter the tho senate convened convened conven ed ed poh pointed tod out that as Thursday w was as ho sixty sixth birthday 01 Ot tho the former forme r president spoke of the tho many tele- tele Tarns cams of ot congratulation and felicitation felicita tion pouring in at tho the Wilson homand homo home o and said it seemed proper and fittin fitting g that the tho senate Bonate add its tribute |