Show FURS tor fr hI market e f fir w fur fun I bid m wilt lf a wl r to If u. u We Ye ran tun 1111 make up cep jour lIr fur fun Mild aad mJ h n Into 1 0 o t or sir lIr Write fur ell i hide Fur Flu r 0 Furriers Tanners j 1 GJ 63 W Wt WI tl bouth Tea Ten Ten-p pt Salt bIt L. L Lake e City BUSINESS ES r J L L. L I IJ S IJ 8 NS COLLEGE of or t r All AI e CI S free rr 40 fJ N N. N Iran Ui St SI Silt alt Lakes Jak Cir w A f h MUTTONS R r S V N V VV V- V S n bide 1 Ux r g Hi I Eutten lil 1 KM lut 1 Coret Jarluf ri 10 to 0 Z C Bros w y y gail all a I CIt City I r jr A b I 1 H Y l I r I t h 1 If n UJ rt f ff ly l 1 a 4 Jr I l 1 I I z i 1 1 1 t w 6 tf j fn I. I t v io L' L t Tr Tray r IV r I JJ d ay j r ro 7 t l 3 When lying awake at ot ni night ht at ot night or hamper your days I stop counting imaginary elu sheep p Out nut it does supply all tho the F 1 7 and think what is prot probably the war wor-nh wor rth comfort and md cause of your tion lion t Y that can bo be desired i in jIT 1 tho the mealtime beverage Both Doth coffee and tf tea toa contain a Your grocer gotta Possum In drug element that irritates a two format Instant sensitive n nervous nervous system often In tn tins tine prepared Instantly instant causing restless nights und and to Inthe the cup by bythe the tho addition of drowsy irritable days boiling water Cereal I I ia ice i packages package for those who whoA d A d delicious e I i C i h hot ot cup C of f prefer to make the whilo h the tho met meal is being prepared 1 contains nothing that aS enado b toiling K full fully y 2 20 PEA can tan deprive you of restful sleep d e LR i l FOR oiZ I I ALTI-I a a M ut J Theres s s a Reason u Pr- Pr Made by G Company Incorporated Battle Creek Michigan 4 I I 1 l I vv 2 i I It I I t res i I i f I II I a 4 V S. S I II I I 1 j Z 1 r Is Winter Time Your Backache Time I Does Your Back Foretell Every Change Chango of the Weather Do Y You au Feel Old and Stiff and Suffer Sharp Rheumatic Rheu Rheu- Rheumatic matic Pains Then Look to Your Kidneys I AE ARE RE winter month months your It Its It's wonder then that every cold months Does oes every cold chill chili or finds find you suffering with torturing g backache attack of oE grip CP leave you lame achy rheumatic paints pains painS headaches dizziness and 1 and all aU worn out Does Doe your back bode throb annoying bladder irregularities 1 and ache until it seems you jut just cant can't keep 6 going another day Don Don't t alt Dela Delay may lead to to serious serious Then look to y your ur kidneys Grip Crip colds or chronic kidney sickness Realize e that and nd chill chi ls throw a heavy he strain on the your kidneys y have weakened lan in fighting the kidney kidneys They overload the blood with cold created cold created pOlson poisons an and give them the the- I poison and impurities that the kidneys help they need Begin Began using Kidney Kid I havo have to filter oft off The e kidneys kidney weaken racy ney Pill today Doans Doan's have helped und under r this rush of new work tork become congested con cone thousands thousand at such Iud times and should help seated dand and inflamed you A. A Ak Ask your neighbor tt Use Use Doans Doan's Say These Good Folks MRS LESS EVANS P Park rk Ave Park City JAMES MASON c carpenter 2nd N. N 2nd Utah raty YI a When a cold settled MI on my kid kids W W. Lehl Leh l Utah MY I Frequently 1 eoM nettled ney I started to hive have trouble with the three these or- or on my kidneys kidney leaving craving them weak and causing C Bans n They sited acted too freely and my back bu became the action of or there there- organs to become come rr free The lame and nd achy chy Morning when brn I cot up p. p I was waa 41 kidney secretions were eM highly colored in pang J so 10 o tired and stiff I could coald hardly move moe Through h end and there wu waa a dull litho my baek back Just the advice of or friend I used d a box Lox of or nOn Kidney Kid our tr my kidneys One Ono lox hox of or Duan Kidney hey ney and they benefited me mo greatly In la fact fills Pilla fixed me up fine 11 My kidneys act acted proper Doana Daan's cu cured d me of or the trouble 1 ly and I felt splendid Z Kidney Pills Fills t At all aft dealers COe a box hox Milburn Co Mfg Chemists Buffalo N. N Y 10 I 0 C Cents ens I Insures Fresh Charm to Old Shawls Shawls' I PUTNAM FADELESS DYES DYES-dyes DYES dyes or tints as you wish |