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Show hv.- .::-.;! ,;,!.; for the pm-n ;m : of ha vi two tumors removed ! from the. In order n acens- j ;mn h-r to .: :.thir.g. the docb-r ' pla-cc-d t!i'.' inhaler over Ik r Jaeo ; bef.re giving the chb-rof jrm. t u e ! ai oil breathing r:; piti I v j and dir-cdy exclaimed: "Cb, I ! fri'l it; I ! ;;m g .in:; ofT." I in- ' :u--u:.:i Li- y after vras found in-j senri !.!: to jih-hin;. Both the tu- j niurs were removed without her having taken a drop of chloroform, he f-it ::o pain and left the ho? ;it:il thmldne; she had becnehloro-i" becnehloro-i" rmr d. It looks as Tiiu; on our county j fair this fall will bo no go. Who ehould have the credit? A rr.n.A is si'r'posKtJ to use only ono eye at a time, but when he bites he gets there just the same. TitK Puovo K no i'.'i rer says: "The rumor is afloat that Henry Shacfrr lias again committed suicide." The cnterprirdng Enquirer must receive special dispfltehes from ''below." A WOMAN IN' L.-VFA VliTTK, Illd., is j tdowly butsrnely turning to stone, "Sdic is how lyiiig fn ber bed gra-Vlually gra-Vlually petrifying from the toes Hp. Her friends are horror-stricken ni this phenomenal oceuiienee. TLv.-kntly a To::naj'0 passed over Missouri, the roaring- of which riould be plainly heard twenty-rive inilea distant. Hailstones weighing weigh-ing over two pounds fell, penetrating penetrat-ing a fuut into plowed ground. Theuh auk lots ok independent men in Pirighom, but we Krmly believe be-lieve the ui' St proinjuncedly independent inde-pendent man is one who every six weeks sits down before a mirror and deliberately shingles his own head. Josnrii Smith, Jr., and other Jo-Bcphiti.s Jo-Bcphiti.s ot Iowa, are now at Independence Inde-pendence endeavoring to secure the old temple lot. The Mendrickites arc at present in possession of that j historic and sacred hill and will j make a hng and stubborn legal i fiht for its retention. i Last T:im:;i:.v Arrr.RNOoN snow fell on the nor ih side of Mount is'ebo, one of the highest peaks in Southern l. tah. Old Nebo must have laughed inwardly, for this is the s-aisou of tlie year that anything, any-thing, imin not excepted, will chuckle over n cool reception. ''Times wkm n eh inning to liven up most satiafaetfudly. and money is becoming extremely Mush," writes the country editor with infinite - precision as he pockets a $ '2 bill re- c dve:1. from an old delinquent whom be lb ni'.dit had been receiving bis re- Iha'.'t'.d paper at the poor house f tr tlie p.a-d six years. 1)i ;;ino, tip-: nt:An:ij term of the year, espeeiti'dy, people should fpiard aL:ain--l spou la neons combustion com-bustion wld. h oeeAfd undiy cans"-serious cans"-serious c-uilagrat i'.uis. Kuetiug iron.s, decay im; b avrs. cr hay p-'accd ill barns or sta J.s before being thoroughly di it d. oft. n becom-' over hr.ned aia! produce Hive. Ca--t vm'i: pye evnt our Tcrri-t Tcrri-t 'ry: ob-rrve tl;e mining camps nn.i the a;:ricu!tui'a.l towns. What a re:if.iv:,b!y eoospitv.ous division in the popiil;,;ion! Willi only rare ''.rt li'tm--, the Mormons arc t!io tillers ,.f the soil; the so ealhd Gentiles are t'ne lo'eeieus metal iimb-rs and diggers. T u i: Atlantic uk.-ouh is on re more broken. On August "th the steam ir ,f ib'slic inihcl th. dis-tnecb,t.v.-ecnOnee!ist wn and New York, 2,777 miles, in o days. IS hours and 8 minute-;. The lust previous record was o days. I'd hours and IS minutes, by the Citv of Paris. Over JJ.) bn.ri of eoai wore . consmip d by ihc p "jwerful engine.-- each day. The po- kiutl im u.t.nve of the Diind over tlie b-dy was recently shown in New York. A doetor wa called up-n to -dd-to form a nfrv- |