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Show Try Inn lo Keep "Trnilo Secreta." A few years ago tho writer was visiting a wood working" shop, wherein was executed exe-cuted some of the finest work done in this country. Tint proprietor, in answer to n request to illustrate snd publish some of tho met h -ids used by him in mniuif.in urine;, ur-ine;, mid: "No! Don't give aw.;y a single point. I don't want those western 'haymaker' 'hay-maker' to fnd otit how wo do things hero Give li:" Mie-ws hnlf ftti idea and thev will work it out nnd ma'.;o n:ore mouey out of it than wo can hero in tue 011 s f . " Siivo that time the manufacturer has failed. 'Iho western ' haymakers" got ahead of him. and lie loFt moro than was -rallied by his exelustvoness. There arc manv thincs hi 11 shop which apparently had better bo kept secret, but nine times out of ten. upon revealing tho secret to a western or soma other "haymaker." he n able to import even & better way of his own. Tims tho man who puts bis trust til "trr-iio f'-erets." and who lives in fear if their binc discovered, is invariably bo ')i:,d the times, fits methods aro obso o:l and tiio output of Ins factory Is bo :'U. Vioib in ejmnty nnd quantity, that o1 lie i:.;.u w!:n i not afraid of giving a kink r .vrinkla to "wh western 'hay makers. " |