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Show NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given by the City Council of Gunnison City of the intention in-tention of said Council to make the following described improvements in said city, to-wit: To construct a concrete pavement along the side walk, beginning at the South-west corner of block 18, running run-ning thence north along the sidewalk on the west side of block 18 to the north-west corner of block, thence crossing the street between block 18 and block 2 7, and running north for a distance of 414.0 feet from the south-west corner of block 27, as platted in Plat A, Gunnison Town-site Town-site Survey. Said side walk to be built of sand, gravel and cement, and to be four feet wide along the west side of blocks 18 and 25. The estimated cost of this side walk along the west side of said blocks 18 and 25 is $545.00, which said sum is to be paid by the abutting abut-ting property owners, pursuant to a local assessment which will be levied upon the abutting property in said blocks 18 and 2 5. The walk across the street between blocks 18 and 25 will be paid for by Gunnison City, the estimated cost of which is $57.50. All protests and objections to the carrying out of said intention must be presented in writing over the signatures sig-natures of the abutting property owners and filed with the City Recorder Re-corder on or before the 2 5th day of August, 1919, at eight o'clock P. M., on which date, and at which time the said City Council will consider any objections that may have been filed to the carrying out of the aforesaid afore-said intentions. This notice is to be published by order of the City Council of Gunnison Gunni-son City, in four consecutive issues of the Gunnison Valley News. Dated this 2fith day of July, 1919. Attest: C. II CHILDS, City Recorder. |