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Show ESTRADA WILL PLAY FAIR. Asks Aid of United States in Establishing Estab-lishing Stable Government in Nicaragua. Washington. A definite programme for the establishment of a stable government gov-ernment in Nicaragua and for the financial rejuvenation of the country was set before the American government govern-ment on Monday for its approval in a long cable dispatch from Provisional President Estrada which Senor Salva-tore Salva-tore Castrillo, Ncaraguan representative representa-tive in Washington, presented to Assistant As-sistant Secretary of State Huntington Wilson. i First of all President Estrada wishes to re-establish friendly relations rela-tions with the United States. He suggests sug-gests that the American government appoint a high commissioner to visit Nicaragua, one with full power to negotiate, ne-gotiate, if necessary, a treaty covering cover-ing all the claims which the United States now has against Nicaragua. In the matter of re-establishing the government of Nicaragua on a firm basis the president stated tuai a constitutional con-stitutional convention would be called, call-ed, probably the latter part of this month, or the fore part of October, to recognize him as provisional president presi-dent and fix a date on which a national na-tional election should be held. |