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Show UTAH STATE NEWS The total enrollment of the Murray Mur-ray school is 856, The Lewiston sugar factory will tart Us annual run about September Septem-ber 19. More than a million persons attended attend-ed summer resorts in and about Salt Lake during the past season. Scenes from the Ogden canyon will grace one of the silver goblets to be presented to the battleship Utah by Weber county. The annual Peach day ccieoration at Brigham City on September 7 was the most successful celebration in the history of the town. Surveys for the $100,000 addition to the waterworks system of Ogden, authorized by the bond election, will be started at once. Th district schools of American Tork opened Tuesday with an enrollment enroll-ment of over 950 in the grades and 85 In the High school. Glen Howard Bauden, the 5-year-old son of Thomas Bauden, a Mill Creek farmer, was drowned in an lr-' lr-' - -' rlgating ditch Tuesday afternoon. Katherine Alinke, a maid employed by a Salt Lake family, fell from a econd-story window, fracturing her kull. Her Injuries may prove fatal. William Henos, who shot and killed it Greek at Scofield, two years ago, has been captured in Pocatello, Idaho, and will be placed on trial at Price. An experiment station wm snort-ly snort-ly be sstablished in Cedar Valley, to determine the class of crops best adapted to the dry farms of the district. dis-trict. K. Akimoto, the Japanese gambler, who was shot and mortally wounded by K. Noghama, August 28, in Salt Lake City, died September 7. Noghama Nogh-ama is still at large. Harry Thorne, convicted of the murder of George W. Fassell and aentenced to he shot on September 9, has obtained a new lease of life through an appeal to the supreme court. Robert J. McKune, of Price, has the distinction of having a court house ftnd jail all his own. Mr. McKune, at a public auction, bought the old , Carbon county jail and court house for $2,775. In an effort to prevent the propagation propa-gation of flies, the state board of health is sending copies of proposed ordinances to every city and town in Utah, suggesting that the municipalities municipali-ties enact them into laws. ' After posing as a legitimate real estate es-tate promoter, with unlimited capital behind him, a man who operated in Bait Lake City for about five weeks under the name of L. A. Drew, has yanlshed, leaving a long list of victims. vic-tims. The peach crop in the neigborhood of Springville is nearly all gathered, and that part fit for market disposed dis-posed of to eastern markets. The crop was better than was at first expected. ex-pected. Wherever smudging was psgsl scientifically the entire crop was laved. WUm Jeffress, brought back to Bait Lake City from Seattle, has confessed con-fessed to the killing of William Cos-lett, Cos-lett, alias Tim Churchill, at the Heidelberg saloon on the morning of August 5. He says that he killed Cos-lett, Cos-lett, a notorious gambler, in self-de-tense. i For the purpose of establishing' a uniform system of requirements for the riling of mining or homestead claims upon forest reserves, about 100 officials of the agricultural and forestry for-estry department of the government met in Oregon Saturday for a careful investigation of the matter. Already 115 students have been enrolled en-rolled in the state school for the deaf and blind at Ogden. This is the largest larg-est enrollment since the exclusion of Idaho students, and all of the students stu-dents with the exception of six from Wyoming are from Utah. Making trips every three months to Salt Lake from his home in Telluride, Col.. W. R. . Edwin, for many years assistant amalgamator at the Liberty Bell mill, disposed of gold amalgam valued at $10,400, and has just been arrested in Telluride, after a full confession con-fession of the theft. There are about 100.000 acres of land in Cedar Valley, which is recognized recog-nized as one of the best dry farming districts in the state, but as experiments experi-ments in this district have not been carried to any great extent, the farmers farm-ers are in doubt as to just what the land will produce. Jacob S. Earl, one of the most Interesting In-teresting and picturesque characters of Logan, is dead at the age of S9 years. Born in St. Johns. New Brunswick. Bruns-wick. December 28, 1S21, be joined the Mormon church in 1S34 and came to Utah in 1S48. He had lived in Cache valley since 1S62. Jacob Jensen, who was injured In the automobile accident near Ogden, when William Lockhead was killed, is more seriouslv hurt than was at first supposed, and grave fears are entertained at the hospital for his recovery. Under an order issued by the board of sheep commissioners, all sheep coming from Idaho, Wyoming and Col orrr'o will have to be dipped within a period of sixty days before entering en-tering the state. Failure to comply with this rule will necessitate another an-other dipping after arriving in Utah |