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Show The Gunnison Gossiper. By Nemo. Born early this spring, and sent into in-to the world before its time, but half made up, was the Gunnison Baseball club- died of inanition early in the season. "Requiscat in pace." The past week has been one of re freshing showers and drying winds In other phraseology, it has been "wet" and "dry" but lest we get into politics we will forebear furthei comment until after the 27th of June. Speaking of trusts, the country newspaper is the biggest trust on earth. It trusts everybody and never gets trusted, gets cussed for trusting is mistrusted for cussing, and if i busts for trusting it gets cussed for busting. Theoulywayto bust this trust and keep from being cussed, is to do what is just and come down with the dust. again, But alas I the day is beyoud recall, Did you ever stop to think that th majority of the people iu this world do not own a home? It is strange in-indeed, in-indeed, but it is nevertheless true. With unbounded room on this old fruitful earth, so many human beings are merely transient dwellers, living as it were ia a tent, moving here and there as tenants of a landlord. This is one ot mo uuioriunate conditions of future generations. There is nothing noth-ing that clings to us in later life, with such devotion as the memory of the dear old home of childhood, Every parent ought to strive to rear his children in a home of his own. The recollection of the earliest scenes of childhood, in the cottage or cabiD, bring back a picture of Joy, aa in our minds we revisit the old home with, it's trees, flowerB, streams and fields, and again we)ook into the kind faces of father, mother, brothers and sisters, sis-ters, and are thereby made more happy and , holy. "Home, home, sweet, sweet home." ' To reform or not to reform, that is the qusetion. Whether it is better to get drunk, come home late at night and beat your wife, or stay sober, drink nothing but cold tea, come home early and have your wife beat you. "Thus conscience makes cowards of us all." How easy it is for us to suggest a sure wav for aoms one else to ma nage a difficulty, or to improve their conduct. con-duct. Let us keep the thought uppermost, that perhaps the end of our earthly troubles is near; that this maybe the last day bjtween us and home. When we kiss our loved ones good bye in the morning, it may be for the last time, for before we return they may have gone to come back no more. If this thought came into our minds oftener, there would be fewer harsh words or cruel looks given to those we dearly love. Could we remember, that perhaps tomorrow may separate us from our loved ones forever, how different would we act. There is surely to come the one last day, the last hour of sunshine, the last memory mem-ory of love and tenderness. When too late to make amends there will come to us the recollection of unkind speech, of injustice, of impatience, and then we would give the hopes of earth for just one last day with them |