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Show Th Crurhetfd Ne.ktl, This dainty little structuro hails from the town of Boston. Uecauso ladies are j always in search of new fancy work, and j because Christinas is drawing near, and ! there is an inevitable dearth of ideas on ; the subject of presenls for the mascu- linity of the family, the method of pro ducing this necktie is iniimtely described. Make n chain of thirty-two, turn and J make a shell iu second stitch of chain by ; dipping in live times in same stitch; I catch down by knitting single stitch in S fourth stitch of chain, make shell in j sixth stitch, and so on until you have seven shells. Then make chain of three and turn. Second row, make half shell by dipping dip-ping in three times in the very end of lust shell, and continue making full I shells unlil theend of that row, making I half shell again on theend; thus every ! second row will havo six shells and two ' half shells, making seven shells in all. I This keeps the sides of the tie even. Shape like a ..ur-in-hand tie that iH, make the long vnd about fifteen inches before narrow .ng. Narrow gradually by dropping a shell or half shell on each row nntil you have narrowed down to three shells, then continue and tnake 1 the neck piece about fifteen inches, Bo-, Bo-, gin to widen gradually and widen to : seven shells as before. Mnke tho short . end about seven inches. Two spools of knitting silk arc required for the scarf. I New York Press. |