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Show l-urelv t TKi n:tl. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hendricks-.!: : were down from Coiliust-.n Wedue; - 1 day. Miss May Jones, of Wdlsville, ! is over this week visiting b: r sister. I Miss Alice Jones. Charles Brewerton, eldest son -of j our worthy s. ledinan, of WiRnrd, 1 has been down this we.-k from '. i charming Elha, Cassia Co.. Ida 1m. I 1 Ole NiePon. ot Bear Rtv. r Citv. ' i stepped in and left $2 with Ti'n-: ! j BroLKit man 'i'nesdav. Mr. Nh 1- : I son says the people over there will ! I mostly reap Pght crops this season I because of the failure of their fall ' ! seed. j l' W. Thshhurn has been over , from Smithlield this w. ck. He : will move his family to Rrigham ' ue:t week and directly R come an ; active member of the m w firm cf R. L. lishbui'n v Sons, which ui-j ui-j shall notice more extensively in i I our next issue. We an- please ! ; I to see "Frank, ''return and extend j I him a right friendly shahe. |