Show volunteer fire department saves home estimated at monday night january 9 the gr een river volunteer fire depart ment saved a house owned by mrs cynthia ramey from burning to the ground the house is located about one mile north of town and had cau fire from an overheated stove in the bedroom the building is constructed of ere ties and it was stated by sev eral of the fireman that if they had been just a few minutes later they would not have been able to save the house the fire truck arrived at the fire a very few minutes after the siren bad stopped blowing and with ex cellena the men soon had the blaze under control there were many remarks made among the spectators that the fireman should be commended for do ing a fine job however the toughest job the fireman had was getting the fire truck to the fire it almost got stuck and didn dian t make it because the spec gators driving their cars up both sides of the road and even leaving them parked there residents certain ly should be warned to always give the right of way to the fire truck it just might be the difference some times of a home burning to the gr aund or of one being saved jim hurst took over the directing of the traffic and soon had the road cleared on one side so that in the event anyone was hurt and had to be gotten out or if the fire truck sh have had to make a quick trip for more water there would have been a clear lane other than the somewhat foolish action of the spectators the event was handled very orderly and with out a doubt a terrible tragedy was prevented |