Show THE OLD prospector SAYS dear editor in telling folks how not to go crazy in 1956 a leading psychiatrist says the main thing is for you to bawl out anybody that s done you wrong and maybe poke him in the nose too I 1 agree with him if you think som has insulted you or done you dirt you t to swallow it as its it s bad to keep such things penned up inside but I 1 say you can have it out with him before blowing your top I 1 think it s a lots better to keep cool and calm 1 when talking the mat ter over with him and he 11 be a lots more apt to satisfy you that he did n t mean no harm or to right any wrong he done you than if you blow ed your top and blazed him out most folks enjoy doing it so they re always looking for insults and slights this may keep em sane but it gits em a lots of black eyes and bruises new products crowd the markets daily selling is at an all time high peak and the average man enjoys things the kings of old would have envied from a trade paper this is not only true of kings of but only 50 years ago no matter how rich a family was the list of corn com forts luxuries and en they could buy was mi gaty short compared to the list of such things the average family has got now the experts say that in the next 50 years improvements along these imes will be more wonderful and will be developed faster than during the past 50 years but when I 1 think a bout cars highways planes movies home appliances conditioning air and television I 1 just don t see it would be possible to top this overall record in the next fifty years yours truly THE OLD prospector |