Show soil S 0 conservation C 0 n s e r v a t i 0 n news flews by kenneth williams the year 1955 is nearly past it has not been a good year for most farmers we are all aware of the present cost price squeeze in the agriculture industry many farmers have bave reached a critical point in heir their farm operation nearly every farmer is won wondering derin what he can do on his farm to im in prove conditions for r next year this is a good tim to review last year and plan where we can un lm prove rove next year we are going to become a lot more efficient in our farm operation if we e are to stay in business each farmer should carefully re view last year s operational cost and see if there isn t some way he can reduce his expenses some ideas of conservation farming have already proven their worth in improving the farmer s economic standing things like the wise use of fertilizers a voiding over tilling the soil and improved irrigation practices will all help to reduce over head and bring more net profit to the farmer the next district supervisors meeting will be held thursday dec ember 8 at 7 aop in in the cit city y hall the district program and work plan will be reviewed and a plan for its revision will be worked out A check of delbert tidwell s fert clizer plots showed that both nitrogen and phosphate more than paid their way in increased yields this sum mer the side walk to he new school is about like some of the streets in a mexican village I 1 wonder how the students student 5 are able to stay on it especially in bad weather however I 1 noticed that they did fix it up a little this last week or so but if they don t keep the horses off of it some kid is liable to break his leg in one of the holes the henry mountains fountains A are cov covered ered with a heavy snow and winter isn t even here so maybe by spring there will be enough snow to furnish water I 1 for some placer gold mining for us uranium prospectors that didn dian t find any uranium looking for gold is a lot more romantic than hunting uranium anyway and probably pro bobly more profitable table that is if you find fino any gny gold wonder how many midnight calls the new city councilman have had regarding city affairs as well as private 99 if they dont help those gals put up the street signs they 11 get a lot more from people calling to find out where they are and where does bill brown or some other guy live so there is one citizen of green river that is outstanding as an dor of friendliness and good will every day no matter how bad the weather eather A y you ou will see aim fam going from one place of business to adoth er looking in at the doors pr giving everyone a friendly look other times tunes you will aill see him carrying ob ejects from flattened out tin tm cans to airplane tires in his mouth look ing for someone to play with other times you will see children with their arms around his neck or rub bing his head which he never seems to mind other tunes times you will win see him riding in the back of cars or pickups and again of a morning coming from the post office with a large roll of papers in his mouth his master gives him the largest rolls to carry headed beaded for the drug store which is his home he will shake hands with you and always gives you a friendly look even tho you be a stranger his name is RUSTY and he is a big german police dog the official greeter of green river some of you may have lime wondered what happened to the research I 1 attempted to carry on last summer regarding why the california girls wore so few clothes and what women played when they wore play suits well I 1 turned the subject over to a swede friend of mine that lives in m new mexico as he is sorta scientific minded along such lines imes and if his wife don t find out about this assign ment maybe well we 11 get a report as to his findings if she finds out we wont get any report until he gets out of the hospital better get to camp and try and finish the leftovers from thanks gning gi ing dinner had an extra large pot of beans which most uranium urani u prospectors should be thankful I 1 for r c adios |