Show india Is still neutral THE SOVIET LEADERS who went to india courting have run square into the iron will of prime minister nehru the russians Bul ganin and kru hoped to swing india into the communist bloc by promising aid in industrialization and other inducements nehru who behind his urbanity and oxford accent is one of the wor ids most determined men said no india he says will continue to walk the middle ground of neutrality seeking no alliances and accepting none what india wants he says is peace nehru s words despite the gentle ness with which they must have been delivered fell harshly on russian ears the reds had come to new delhi hoping to repeat what they re bently accomplished in egypt bul ganin and khrushchev probably ca ulan t help remembering that a few months 5 ago egyptian premier ga mal nasser was talking iden identically the same neutrality line after a few adroit soviet moves and some perceptive psychological statements from moscow nasser wavered he now stands on the edge of the russian camp if not in it nehru s ms ins istance on neutrality has irritated america just as it now frustrates russia it will win him no contest anywhere but regardless of whether nehru is pursuing the wisest course for india there can be no doubt that he is sincere and totally dedicated to his present methods what the ind ians lans want is peace and nehru is trying according to his own lights to attain it |