Show university of utah announces new traffic system project A plan to ease campus traffic bottlenecks was announced monday by eimo elmo R morgan business vice president of the university of utah mr morgan also is chairman of the university traffic committee which includes representatives from the student body faculty employees and the administration which work ed out the traffic program basically the new system which goes into effect on november 28 revolves around the channeling of traffic into two coneway patterns on a 24 hour basis during the rush hours between 7 30 a in m and 12 30 p pm m plans also call for a one coneway way thoroughfare north along east between 3rd south and campus drive traffic will flow west from the annex campus over a new road which will tie into campus drive and then link up with 3rd south campus traffic moving east to the annex will move north along east in front of the bookstore and then east along the newly completed comple led sections of campus drive much of the flow is expected to peel off ito the two approaches to the new car parking area north and east of the new union building and orson spencer hall traffic may go 90 in either direction on the street immediately east of spenser hall thus providing an interchange between the two coneway one way patterns our major problem has been the mass movement of traffic in 10 to 15 minute periods between classes mr morgan said we have an es timatea 6 cars moving in and out of confined areas and our best solution appears to be con controlled troied directional one traffic flow mr morgan said the pew new traffic system including sir facing of lots new roads and other operational expenses totaled about assisting in setting up the plan were james R halverson traffic engineer for the state road corn mission of utah and james W challis traffic engineer for salt lake city mr morgan said that U officials had sought state and city aid to obtain the best technical advice available and also because both agencies were closely identified with the campus problem since east and 3rd south both are in the state road system while wasatch drive is in the city system he had high praise for the uni hersity wide traffic committee which has been hard at work on the lem for several weeks we weve ve been particularly pleased with the attitude of the students mr morgan said they have cooperated fully and have a keen aware ness of the need to move campus traffic more quickly and more safely students pick up stations set up to speed pedestrian traffic be tween the two campus areas will be moved two will be placed west of the main annex building another is planned north of the new union building J and a fourth east of orson spenser hall also planned is a full scale road naming program since several of the connecting roads and streets that have sprung up on campus in recent years are nameless nem eless we selected november 28 as our kickoff date because it will give us sufficient time to finish new roads and our directional signs for the roads mr morgan pointed out we could actually begin a few days earlier but we think it would be better to wait until after the thanks giving recess which will also see the end of the football season spec lal ial provisions will be necessary to handle the football traffic and a years experience under the new plan will be most helpful in deciding how best to handle these large crowds since the committee is a permanent one it will continue its work on other traffic and parking problems as well as studying any operational bugs that may appear app ear in the new one coneway way pattern committee members include dr willard W bleaker dean of stu dents mrs gertrude T morgan dean of women williem L woolf director of the physical plant and operations dr burns B crookston assistant dean of students mr pres ton D linford assistant professor of civil engineering and mr mor gan student members are steve west tod 2nd vice president miriam brinton editor utah chron icle beanne mitchell member of the student senate and erland el mer student at large |