Show 0 1 L N E W S at last green river is getting a big OIL play that has been building up for the past two years in and 1954 there was considerable geophysical work carried on in this district by several of 0 the major companies and as a result of this v ork and the work that has been go ing ing on oi this year there is a large developement elopement dev program under way at the present time as well as a large leasing program green river happens to be mitat sit at ed in a geologist paradise as far as geology is conserved conser ned no where in the west can you see so much ge exposed in so short a distance and time as here the san rafael swell and reef is one of the geology ical wonders of the united states here you see millions of years dif fer ference erice in geologic time exposed on the surface within a very short distance there is several places where you can see oil and gas seeping out of the formations and there is no reason why some day it will not be a big factor in the production of both oil and gas some test wells have been drilled on it in the past ard some good shows have been en countered but so far none of corn coin mercial value but the structure so large and cut by so many faults it is goerg to take more drilling to determine the oil and gas traps the woodside Anti anticline is large structure that should pay when more development work carried on however one well drilled on the top of this by the utah oil and refining co sf veral years ago resulting in th discovery of a large volume of hel ium aum gas so the structure was aside by the government as a hel ium aum reserve therefore stopping other development on the structure however the flanks of this Anti offer a good possibilities for oil development ard is outside of the re serve the henry Moun mountains tams to the is also good oil prospecting tern tory and it is between here and mountains that considerable in the past two years that has result ed in the starting of a drilling cam laign the Sta oil gas co is adril hag ling below 4 feet in their thew cain cam ville unit no 1 C CE SW 29 BE wayne county this Is to be a deep test reported 8 feet the carter oil co is getting ready to put in a rig miles S W of green river just east of little flattop ette and several miles east of the old well drilled several years ago by the des moines oil co the exact location has not been ob faired but would be in twp 26 sou th range 13 east this well is on structure recently shot by carter oil co crew and will be a deep test more afore details reg regarding ardig the well will be given when avail able for the past few weeks or months several major companies graph crews have been working out of here which aich includes the pure oil corp which has been working sou th from town to the san rafael riv er on the west side of the green river the carter oil co has been from town west to the san rafael reef and have purchased consid erable acreage in the aea a ea at the present time the sun oil co is amov ing mg in a crew and have a party of 28 23 men it is reported they will start working west of town kerr mcgee oil industries inc have assembled a large block of acreage along the green river in the vicinity of the geyser several other major and inde pendent companies have been buy mg leases the past few months and it is rumored that several other deep tests will be drilled in the near fu ture the new gas line now under con st ruction from farmington new mexico to seattle washington and which runs j e sst st east of cisco has given all this territory a boost in development as it will provide an not be marketed recently the carter oil co open ed up a new oil field about 12 miles northeast of cisco in the morrison formation at 1430 39 feet and since have contracted for the drilling of ten more wells and at the present time tune this is in progress the sinclair oil and gas co has recently opened up a new gas field in sec 26 twp 16 S range 25 E drill stem tests were made on this well to test the gas zones and they are drilling ahead to contract depth of 6 feet editors note As soon as arrange ments can be made with the corn com panics for release of drilling and other into mation weekly reports ivill be published as to new locations and progress of drilling wells anu the locations or new pools as well as names and any other information pertaining to the oil industry |