Show bleak expands activities ach V i t to have nave office here possible merger in the offing invitation extended to visitors the bleak uranium company an bounced today that its new operation in the white canyon area is under way and that shipments have been made from the company Comp anys s piccolo pete properties this was made by charles M bleak president and founder of the bleak uranium co mr bleak stated to the journal in line with announced policy in one of your early issues we wish to extend to you the opportunity of going upon our property and over our operation and making a report to the stockholders of our company the journal editor accepted the in vi tation and accompanied the bleak officials on safari into their piccolo pete operations in hidden valley district of the white canyon area the bleak co now has in op oration four drifts ranging from 50 to feet in length near the en trance to the shaft and of various grades throughout the drifting oper aaion I 1 have sent samples into mr hulsey to have them run and the results of the samples show that we have encountered ores that vary between 20 per cent uranium to as much as 22 per cent uranium we have shaped a sample load to deter mine what the mine would run and the res results u its of that shipment showed a uranium content of 37 per cent our shipments went to the white canyon buying station which mci inci dently is only about lo 10 miles from the workings the bleak uranium company is a new mining concern with an eye to aiding the growth of the west end of utah the bleak board of P diorec wee tors through a spokesman stated that bleak intends and has made arrangements to make the city of green river their thew mining head quarters it is reported that the company will secure office space in the new uranium center now un der construction in this city A list of the officers of the bleak camany whom you may expect to see upon the streets of green river at various times are as follows charles M bleak president and founder of the company is in charge of the mining operations on the pic colo pete property mr bleak hails from blanding utah where he spent the past seven years mining in the uranium industry prior to that time mr bleak spent 17 years mining in the arizona handrock hard har drock rock mines along with mr bleak aiding him in the operation of the bleak properties is floyd bleak son of charles bleak who is also a man with extensive background in mining in the white canyon area in addition to the bl BI eaks there also will be present in our city from time to time mr J edwin stem stein secretary treasurer of the bleak company and a deput able business man of the provo area mr stem stein owner and operator of the stem realty company has been in business for the past 13 years in provo mr stem stein gamed gained national prominence through his ins election to a high national position in the rot ary club he has in the past and will continue to be very active in civic affairs and is a credit to any community with which he might be associated i vice president of the company is mr W G D mcelrath of provo ut ah who for the past 27 years has be en engaged in a managerial capacity for the el paso natural gas co at the present time arr mcelrath makes his home in provo where he is superintendent of operations for the utah natural gas ga s co utah sab to the huge el paso nat ural gas company mr mcelrath has often been seen on the streets of green river and is no stranger to most of the people in this area he also is a credit to any comman ity and shall be welcomed for his part in the continued growth of the city of green river another member of the board of directors is mr royce G hulsey of the firm hulsey hulsey who has maintained a law office in this city for the past eight months mr hulsey is not only a member of the board of directors but also serves as legal counsel for the newly formed bleak corporation not a member of the board of dir actors but one of the founders of the company and now serving as financial advisor for the company is mr F veron nichols of provo utah mr nichols is well known through out the state for his work in connect tion with his position of district su per visor of the Sc southern KAthern division of the first security bank of utah mr nichols has held this position for years and not only will be looked up on and admired by the members of the bleak company but will also be held in high esteem by the citizenry of green river in addition to those listed above serving the company and not a me aber of the board of directors but in various capacities is mr george M mcclintock of the mcclintock realty co maintaining an office in this city mr mcclintock is well own to the people in and around gr een river and will therefore not be a stranger in our midst the new company through mr hulsey when questioned concerning a consistent consi stant rumor that the bleak uranium co is going into an ag with rare metals corp also a subsidiary sub of el paso natural gas co had this to say the bleak company has not at the present ti me entered into any contract with rare metals corporation however negotiations are in progress at the present time concerning an assign ment from bleak uranium co to rare metals co of certain pro proper er ties which bleak now has mr hul sey went on to say however that though the bleak company had se cured property were not yet complete with rare metals con cerling the assignment A more de finate statement can be made con corning this matter within the next 30 days mr bleak speaking on be half of the corporation stated that any person desiring to visit and look po n their white canyon properties are welcome to do so the only thing we ask said mr bleak is that a group large enough to warrant our sending a safari down with th cm em be organized so that we can have an organized trip the compa ny will be glad to escort them and let anyone and everyone inspect the property |