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Show GREATEST NEWS I For Next Week I T!6e Ann otitic emeni of the t jH Final Disposal of the SiocK. H of the Utah Sio)e SgL Hard- B &;are Company tvhich Degan May 2 6t hand Ends June 29 , - " imlN QUESTION ABLY this announcement 'I IkSil is profuse with possibilities to the readers ' of this magazine who, like all others, never 'i'l . . overlook a chance to save a little money, on j the things they nee"d. In this instance of hardware selling you will not save a little j ''- money, but a very considerable sum. Mr. P. W. Macsen, who is known to every reader of this paper as a man of undoubted integrity, 'fl herein announces his retirement from the .jfH hardware business, to confine his attention to , ! other interests. Read the following announce- ments, and you convince yourself that this is jB really the only bona-fide closing-out sale ever t IH I inaugurated in Salt Lake City. jfl READ THIS. THEN THIS. AGREEMENT. ll A few months ago I decided to close The communication opposite by Mr. The undersigned agrees to dispose h IH up this store. Since that time I have P. W. Madsen, tells practically the of the entire stock of the Utah Stove 1 H Been' disposing of the stock as fast as whole story. I have made a contract & Hardware Co. within a period of , j ' IH possible, but finding it impossible to with him which calls for the complete thirty days, beginning May 26th, 1905, j jjfl j """"give my attention to the store on ac- disposal of this stock on June 29th, and ending June 29th, 1905. PRO- . H . ' .count of other interests, I have con- and turning over this building, ready VIDED: j tractcd with Mr. E. H. Miller to close for the new occupant, on July 1st. That the undersigned has the privi- !r up the business within thirty days, There is but one way to sell this stock iecjge of disposing of the stock of said H ending June 29th. Mr. Miller has ex- so as to guarantee the sale of every Stove & Hardware Co. at actual ' ll plicit orders to close out this stock re- article in this store. Having such a factory cost, for cash. . j, B gardless of cost; to dispose of all fix- short time in which to do this, I have The undersigned further agrees to , ' , I turcs as well, and to turn over this not hesitated in the matter of price turn over the building clear of all building absolutely empty on July 1. cutting. Mr. Madsc.n's orders to me stock to P. W. Madsen on July 1, 1905, Til I hope the people will take advant- read: "Sell regardless of any cost, I rea(iy to undergo rc-construction for ! I j 1 age of this opportunity to buy hard- want to empty the building July 1. ncvv lessee. E. H. MILLER. n 1 ware at the low prices that will be Hoping to have your presence dur- Annroved- "j 1 'II , ; quoted at this sale. ing this sale, I beg to remain, 11 utacttxt td i . ; i I 1 Very cordially, Very respectfully, p- w- MADSEN, President, 'HI 1 P. W. MADSEN. E. H. MILLER. Utah Stove & Hardware Co. - l you Should he Here Each and E-Oery Day ftejei Week ' j UTAH STOVE & HARDWARE CO. ; 54-36 East First South Street M 'k 'I |