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Show H " i. I ' ' Healthful Beer Is Pure.; Pure Beer J To Be Healthful Must Be Aged I Lemp's Draught I and Bottled Beer H j is all this and more. A trial order H . will convince you. Order from your H J nearest dealer, and if he cannot supply I j you, telephone us I I ELK LIQUOR CO. B ' C. H. Reilly, Agent for Wm. J. Lemp Brewing Company St. Louis Draught and Bottled Beer H f 216 and 248 S. State Street Hi 1 Dell Phone Office. A88 Ind. Phone, Office, 198; Hj I Dei. ottllng VVorki, 176J.K ROUND TRIP I $30 I April 26th to I May6fti First Spring Excursion via Utah's Most Popular Road I Phones (jfM 169 Bj 1986 S. MAIN Come In and Get Acquainted I Tii Going I East Why Not Enjoy Yoursell ? H' You will If you travel over the I Illinois Central H Railroad B; It don't cost any more Si The best of service between Omaha, Chicago, Minneapolis H and St. Paul, as well as between Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, and all HU other Southern and South- B eastern Points. Hj For mil Information and literature, call on or write J. A. FOLEY, Commercial Agent H 75 W. 2nd South St. Salt Lake Ci?r B THE VERY BEST CUISINE FOR THE VERY BEST PEOPLE, A LA CARTE. "ALL HOURS." THE KENYON (NEW) CAFE. LEGAL NOTICES. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance lovylng a tax and for tho assessment of property within the district doscrlbod as, follows: Beginning; Begin-ning; at tho center of tho Intersection of Third South and Fourth West streets; theneo north to tho north lino of First North stroot; thence east to tho east lino of Thlv West stroot: thonco north to tho south lino of Soc- WALKER BROS. 1 BANKERS A General Banking Business Transacted. ' Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. r Established I860. 8 ALT LAKE OITY, UTAH A GAS WATER HEATER Attached to your present kitchen boiler will give enough hot water for a bath at a cost of about three cents, ti :t tt Don't forget that with a GAS RANGE in your house you j can sleep an hour later in the morning. Wc supply the best makes of each and would be glad to talk it over with you. Call 'phone 777 or drop us a postal. We are at your service. UTAH LIGHT & RAILWAY CO. Gas Department No. 9 S. Main St. ' J ' ' POWERS & MARIONEAUX 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Rooms 202, 203, 20-1. 205 and 200 Now Herald Building 8ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ( Boll Phono 1850 NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC U. S. DEPOSITARY Frank Knox, Pres. Jamki A. Murray, VIco-Pres. W. F. Adams, Cashier. Capital Paid In $300,000 BanklnR.ln all its branches transacted. Exchang drawn on tho principal cities in Europe. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Utah and Nevada Mines are receiving more atten- 1 tion from outsiders than the mining properties of any other states. Part of my business is to keep in touch with all development in order to keep my customers reliably informed. W. H. TIBBALS 302-303 Herald Building P. O. Box 44. Salt Lake Gty I OPEN ALL NIGHT TELEPHONE 36 S. D. EVANS I UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER I 213 STATE STREET SAL TLAKE CITY I R. G. DUN & COMPANY I The Mercantile Agency GEO. RUST. General Manager Utah, Idaho, Wyoming Offices, Progress Building Salt Lake Gty, Utah ELI L. PRICE Grocer Poultry, Fish and Game 18 S. Main Street in Season Phone 865 SALT LAKE TURF EXCHANGE TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHT MAIN STREET California and Eastern Races CITY OF MEXICO AND RETURN, $69.80. April 25th to May 5th tho Colorado Midland will sell tickets Salt Lake to City of Mexico and re-t re-t rn for $69.80. Good for stop-overs up to sixty days. Your choice of the three excellent routes. Through observation car to Denver. Illustrated hooks on Mexico free. Ticket office, 77 West Second Sec-ond South, Salt Lake. |