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Show tho treasurer 13 hereby authorized and directed to assess In accordance -with tho provisions of this ordinanco for the purpose heroin mentioned, all of lots 3, 4, 1 and 8, block 51, plat "A," Salt Lake City survey, as the same are shown upon tho official plats of said City to' a depth of twonty-flvo (25) feet back from said street, and to collect col-lect said tax. Sec. 2. Said tax shall become and be dellnauent as follows: One-third thereof shall become delinquent de-linquent In one month after tho approval ap-proval of this lovy; one-third in two months after said approval, and one-third one-third in throe months after said approval. ap-proval. Each and overy installment of said tax except tho first, shall draw interest at tho rato of seven (7) per cent per annum from dato of levy, and all said installments shall bear interest inter-est at tho rato of ten (10) per cent per annum from dato of delinquency. Sec. 3. This ordinanco shall take effect upon approval. Passed by tho City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, May 1, 1905., and referred re-ferred to the Mayor for his approval. J. S. CRITCHLOW, City Recorder. Approved this 4th day of May, 1905. RICHARD P. MORRIS, Mayor. State of Utah, City and County of Salt Lake ss: I, J. S. Critchlow, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that tho above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinanco Levying a Tax and for the assessment of Property on both sides of Market Street between East Temple and "West Temple Streets, in Sidewalk District No. 20, for the Construction of a Cement Sidewalk," Easscd by tho City Council of Salt ako City, Utah, May l, 1905, and approved ap-proved by tho Mayor May 4, 1905, as appears of record in my oiflcc. In witness whereof, I have herounto set my hand and afflxed tho corporate seal of said City, this 4th day of May, 1905. J. S. CRITCHLOW, (Seal.) City Recorder. Bill No. 25. Sidewalk Extension No. 83. AW ORDINANCE. An ordinanco levying a tax and for tho assessment of property on tho west side of Thirteenth East Street between First South and Second South Streets, in Sewer District No. 1, for tho construction con-struction of a sower. Be it ordained by tho City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: Section 1. That tho City Council does hereby levy the tax and provide pro-vide for tho assessment of tho same H upon the property hereinafter de-1 de-1 scribed in lots 1, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, East Sldo subdivision of block 31, m plat "P," Salt Lake City survey, abut- ting on tho west sldo of Thirteenth. H East Street between First South and Second South Streets, in Sower Dis- trict No. 1, said property having a m frontage of CG0 feet along said Street, This tax is levied to defray tho ex-IB ex-IB penso of constructing a sewer upon H said portion of said street opposite tho property hereinafter described to be B especially affected and benefited by I said Improvement, and it Is hereby adjudged, determined and established 1 that tho same will bo especially beno-jm beno-jm nted thereby to tho full amount of tho mm tax hereby levied, and said parcels mm of land are hereby assessed at an equal M and uniform rate In accordance with Jho linear foot frontage upon said por-um por-um tlon of said Street fronting upon and m to a depth of twenty-flvo (25) feet back m therefrom, and tho tax hereby levied fl and to bo assessed upon said parcels oif JanLJ?, 9.lSht hundred and flfty- ?kffhL (8858.00) dollars, or one and m 30-100 ($1.30) dollars per front or m ill0?1" foot- , which Is tho estimated H total cost and estimated cost per linear mm root of said sewer, and tho treasurer is I hereby authorized and directed to as-S as-S Ha?, in accordanco with tho provisions J or this ordinance for tho purpose horo- on montlo,nca. a" of lots 1, 18, 19, 20, 2,2 oa,nd ,23- East Side subdivision of HLock 31j.,Plat "F," Salt Lake City sural sur-al Xo'i3 th,o same are shown upon the m oniclals plats of said City to a depth Q1UXPnlyJ-nvo (25) foot back from I said Street, and to collect said tax. ike,c. 2 Said tax shall become and I bo delinquent as follows: MM ii0no"tll:d thereof shall become de- H lfnquo,nt ln no month after the ap- Efyft1 of this lovy; one-third in two H ?h?nr18 aJer saia approval, and one-H one-H iLrd ,ln three months after said ap-H ap-H ??yai- Each and overy Installment of ?aia tn.x pxcopt tho first, shall draw 1 JH0081 at tho rate of seven (7) per P,or annum from dato of lovy, f'niiji11 ?aid Installments shall bear In-H In-H iost at tno rato of ton (10) per cent Por annum from dato of dollnquoncy. H nnw3, Th,s ordinance shall take H oct upon approval. M inl hyTntl? CIfcy Council of Salt B fnrClty,.ut,ah' Ma 1. 1905, and ro- iorred to the Mayor for his approval. S. CRITCHLOW, City Recorder. x App-?y,?d.yi,s 4th day of May, 1905. RICHARD P. MORRIS, Mayor. StLakSL Mtah' lty and County of Salt I ejJv Jr' ? Critchlow, City Recorder of B tifUJafclty utah do hereby cor- fiii? Viat tho above and foregoing is a mm iuu, true and correct copy of an ordi nance entitled, "An Ordinanco Levying Levy-ing a Tax and for tho Assessment of Property on tho west side of Thirteenth Thir-teenth East Street between First South and Second South Streets, in Sower District Dis-trict No. 1, for tho Construction of a Sower," passed by tho City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, May 1, 1905, and approved by tho Mayor May 4, 1905, as appears of record in my ofllce. In witness whereof, I havo hereunto set my hand and affixed tho corporate seal of said City, this 4th day of May, 1905. J. S. CRITCHLOW, (Seal.) City Recorder. Bill No. 27. Sewer Extentlon No. 154. AN ORDINANCE.. An ordinanco granting to tho Utah Central Railroad Company, its successors succes-sors and assigns, a franchise and right of way to construct and operate railroad rail-road tracks o.i and across a portion of Fourth West Street between South Tomplo and First South Streets, in Salt Lako City, Utah. Bo it ordained by tho City Council of Salt Lako City. Utah: Section 1. A franchise and right of way is hereby given and granted to tho Utah Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, to lay, construct con-struct and operate two switch or spur standard gauge railroad tracks leading from a convenient point on its line In Fourth West Street between South Temple and First South Streets, In Salt Lako City, Utah, and thence curving curv-ing to tho loft twelve degrees and thirty minutes for ninoty-fivo feet with a single track and thence continuing continu-ing to curve to tho loft one track cloven degrees and thirty minutes for one hundred and sixty-two feet and another track curving to tho left from tho samo point for twonty-four degrees, ono hundred and twenty feet to tho oast lino of lot 7, block 81, plat A, Salt Lako City Survey, and thence with a thirty degree curve to tho left on said lot 7. Sec. 2. During tho term of this franchise fran-chise the grantee shall bo subject to tho following conditions, viz: (a) That said switch or spur tracks shall bo laid upon and conform to tho established grado of said street, and if tho said grp.1 is afterward changed by order of .. e City Council tho grantee shall at Its own expense change the elevation of tho tracks so as to conform to tho same. (b) Whenever tho west sldo of said Fourth West Street between South Temple and First South Streets shall bo paved, then said grantee, its successors suc-cessors and assigns, shall pavo between tho rails and for a distance of two feet outside of each rail with the samo material ma-terial as that used In tho street pavement. pave-ment. (c) Said granteu shall put in and maintain such crossings over said switch or spur tracks as shall from time to time bo required by tho City Council. (d) Tho said switch or spur tracks shall bo laid, and tho road operated, so as to cause no unnecessary Impediment Impedi-ment to tho common and ordinary uso of said street upon which they are laid. (o) Good and sufficient boxes to convey water shall bo laid and maintained main-tained In good condition at tho expense of said granteo in all tho water ditches crossed by tho said switch or spur tracks, so as to admit of free passage of water. . . Sec. 3. Nothing In this grant shall bo so construed as to prevent Salt Lake City or Its authorized agents from paving, pav-ing, sewering, laying gas or water mains or pipes, altering, repairing or In any manner improving said Fourth West Street botween South Tomplo and First South Streets, but all such improvements im-provements shall bv. mado with as llt-Uo llt-Uo Injury as practicable to said spur tracks and tho operation thereof. Sec. 4. This franchise Is granted for tho period of ono hundred years from and after tho approval of this ordinanco. ordi-nanco. Sec. 5. This grant and all tho terms and conditions thereof shall bo accepted In writing by tho granteo heroin within with-in thirty days from tho approval of this ordinanco, otherwise tho same shall bo void and of no effect. Passed by tho City Council of Salt Lako City, Utah, May 29th, 1905, and referred to tho Mayor for his approval. J. S. CRITCHLOW, City Recorder. Approvel this 31st day of May, 1905. A. J. DAVIS, Mayor, pro torn. State of Utah, City and County of Salt Lako ss: I, J. S. Critchlow, City Rocordor of Salt Lako City, Utah, do hereby cortlfy that tho abovo and forogolng Is a full, truo and correct copy of an ordinanco entitled, "An ordinanco granting to tho Utah Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise and right of way to construct and operate railroad tracks on and across a portion of Fourth West Street between South Tomplo and First South Stroots, in Salt Lako City, Utah," passed by tho City Council of Salt Lako City, Utah, May 29th, 1905, and approved by tho Mayor May 31, 1905, as appears of rocord in my office I In witness whereof, I havo hereunto set my hand arid affixed tho corporate seal of said City, this 1st day of June, 1905. Seal. J. S. CRITCHLOW, City Rocordor. Bill No. 33. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Emerald Mining Company. Office and place of its general business located lo-cated at 100 West Second South street Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors of the Emerald Mining Company, held at its office, above designated, on Wednesday, Wed-nesday, May 10th, 1905, an assessment assess-ment of one and one-half (lj4) cents per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable to J. E. Oglcsby, secretary of the company, com-pany, at its said office above designated, desig-nated, in three equal installments, as follows: The first installment of one-half one-half cent, payable Thursday, June IS, 1905; the second installment of one-half one-half cent, payable Saturday, July 15, 1905, and the third installment of one-half cent, payable Tuesday, Aug. 15, 1905. Any stock upon which the first installment of this assessment may remain unpaid on Thursday, June 15, 1905, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment of said first installment in-stallment is made before, will be sold on Saturday, July 8, 1905, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the company's office, above designated, to pay the delinquent installment, together with cost of advertising and expense of sale. Any stock upon which the second sec-ond installment of this assesment may remain unpaid on Saturday, July 15, 1905, will be delinquent and advertised adver-tised for sale "at public auction, and unless payment of said second installment install-ment is made before, will be sold on Saturday, Aug. 12, 1905, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the company's office, of-fice, above designated, to pay the delinquent de-linquent installments, together with cost of advertising and expense of sale. Any stock upon which the third installment of this assessment may remain unpaid on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 1905, will be delinquent and advertised adver-tised for sale at public auction, and unless payment of third installment is made before, will be sold on Saturday, Sat-urday, Sept. 9, 1905, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. at the company's office, of-fice, to pay the delinquent installment, together with cost of advertising and expense of sale. J. E. OGLESBY, Secretary. Office 100 West Second South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Date of first publication, May 13, 1905. SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Third Judicial District of the State of Utah, County of Salt Lake. May Margaret Johnston, plaintiff, vs. Charles R. Johnston, defendant. Summons. The State of Utah to the said defendant: de-fendant: You arc hereby summoned to appear ap-pear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the County in which this action is brought, otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, a copy of which is herewith served upon you. ZANE & STRINGFELLOW, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P. Q. Address, over Deserct National Na-tional Bank Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. ASSESSMENT NOTICE NO. 2. The Dana Gold Mining & Milling Company. Principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby here-by given that at. a meeting of the , ':j board of directors held on the 26th , t: day Of May, 1905, an assessment of j n ' one-half of one (1) cent per j ; share was levied on all of the capital )h fLw stock of the corporation, issued and 'rlH outstanding, payable immediately to '' BHJ the secretary at his office, 210 Atlas HH block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock ' j ' yLw on which this assessment may remain LL unpaid on June 24, 1905, will be de- j, M linqucnt and advertised for sale at ; j:1 M public auction, and unless paid before ;i; 1 uuW will be sold on Friday, July 21, 1905, j ! LM at 12 o'clock, noon, at said secretary's office, to pay the delinquent assess- jH mcnt thereon, together with the costs M of advertising and expense of sale. E. L. HENDERSON, : fL-M Secretary. j jH First publication June 3, 1905. ': j: jH summons. ' Lm In the District Court of the Third L Judicial District of the State of Utah, , ! Lm County of Salt Lake. mum Mattie H. Kelley, plaintiff, vs. Jo- , seph S. Kelley, defendant. Summons. ! ' jH The state of Utah, to the said defend- ,j jH ant: L You arc hereby summoned to ap- J nj pear within twenty days after the ;! 1 ? service of this summons upon you', if if : jlHJB served within the County in which this Ij ! jjFW? action is brought, otherwise, within ij 1 'Mt thirty days after service, and defend .1 j'f the above entitled action; and in case ' . ySj of your failure so to do, judgment will Ij ! L be rendered against you according to ,; ; Wt the demand of the complaint, a copy ' 1 i jH of which is herewith served upon you. T jH W. R. WHITE, Plaintiff's Attorney. . I : P. O. address-, room 314 D. F. .A Walker building, West Second South . ; Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. ' 1 WM THE WORM AND THE GERM. ' H (A South American scientist dc- clarcs that tape-worm destroys the '' HI germ of consumption.) The Tapeworm is a yard of gumption, 1 , . mn Which, when he bites, he cures Con- miiK sumption. 'iliflfl In dire and deadly grip he closes Upon the germ Tuberculosis. 1 1 He lies in vermiform contortion m' Along the patient's inner portion. ' i ' Bum And when a microbe, green, or yeller, 1 JH Comes nigh that germ devouring fel- H He coils his tail and pounces on him H Then it's all off with Mike, doggon j j H No longer need the patient worry ; With wasting illness pulmonary. i ( No longer need baccila's caper ! 91 Just go to work and grow a "taper." , j H As hastily the microbe goes X 91 The healthier the Tapeworm grows, j , H Till, tiring of a life of action, 1 j ', WM He sleeps in blissful satisfaction. 1 1 1 H What matter though the Tapeworm 'j t fl His calling till the patient dies? , "! fl Since fell Consumption's been pre- I The Patient ought to die contented. , ill B Wallace Irwin in New York Globe, j ' S Little Charlie was very fond of J i 8 watching his mother dress. One day, H when she was brushing her hair, he ,j y fl exclaimed: "Mamma, why does your 'ill M hair snap so?" "Because there is so 'Ilil'M much electricity in it," she replied. j i'fJt'fB Charlie sat looking at her for a few ' lrW mometns very thoughtfully, and then : . ' ,' B he could contain himself no longer, iif H when he burst out with: "What a jfV. H queer family we must be' Granma has ,; ' ' H gas in her stomach and yo.i have elec- t I Q tricity in your hair." , jj 'wL |