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Show I WHEN THE DECORATIONS B ,!l .. - J j; at any fiocial affair are Particularly Beautiful, the guestsi will instinctively say I HUDD ART'S " IH; j Our reputation ns decorators is the result of years of H, artistic demonstration, and if you are going to be hostess at anv f tfie spring entertainments, call us up. I HUDDART FLORAL CO. ' MRS. HUDDART, Manager. I !! 114-116 EAST SECOND SOUTH BOTH PHONES. OPPOSITE GRAND THEATRE. I Hh r i ' " " ii ... Hi 1 Summer Handsome washable $1,25 I madras curtains in a. I PLAIN and FLAKED l9 1 madras, and fringe $2.00 (UUl 1 trimmed, excellent c M(m tsiiiv for summer use, cool px9V and Comfortable. Big line to select from. CUT FLOWERS We are making a specialty i of elaborate home decora- j tions and can please the I MOST EXACTING tastes. I CDeB. . morris floral go. McCornick Bldg. and 52 E. Second South Let Us Sell You Your JEWELRY w& You Will Then Buy the Best for a Reasonable Price We have a lot of new wall papers I that you can't get anywhere else. 8 Just received a beautiful line in the new colors: yellows browns and blues; also greens and reds. Two toned effects W.A. DUVALL, Both Phones. 124 W. Second South. 1 THE FRENCH SYPHON "SPARKLET" I with Bulbs of Carbonic Acid Gas will keep you in Charged Water all summer . at a nominal cost about 4 cts. a. quart. The happy thought for the home or the summer camp. SCHRAMM'S ' WHERE THE CARS STOP |