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Show I 77)p nlt I nhp Cihi You must see ft 1 fiL juu LafL uy with your own eyj Brewing Company THE wonders of beg to announce that it has increased facilities m All A 111 A I1 A ft A UAII for bottling the American Beauty beer, which is "lillWxIllll"' i I H admitted by all to be the best beer throughout UIIUllUlU If U I it I It this western country, having no epual in quality. . , , , TRANSCEND ALL DESCRIPTION 1 J The greatest attention has been given to the m. hygienic cleanliness of bottles and to the scientific THE TOUR OF 1908 I j sterilization of the beer, and all this same via I methodical care being used in every process of HPPffrfiFHI I manufacture, has made the American Beauty BjflJniffil I Beer the favorite throughout the West. l'lilllWa I fl The fact that the bottling house is equipped . . . . , , , . i .! .1 r . j . . j . - l Affords first-class dining and sleeping car service up to the with the finest and most up-to-date machinery mm bordcr of thc the JKmg bcyond bP.ng ar , can be demonstrated on inspection, and a cordial ranged jn snort distances, with long, convenient stops for invitation IS extended to all to come and see our lunch and sightseeing each day, and accommodations each up-to date plant. n'8'u at tne Pflr Hote1- 'vHch provide all possible conven- 1 iences for the comfdrtftthetxmrist. Respectfully, x ' ! Tl C 7, T 7 ., r . r N0 BETTER VACATIONTRIP THAN THIS IN ALL 1 l he bait Lale Lity Brewing Co. the land , I JACOB MORITZ, ' For further information and beautiful illustrated folder of the Park, addrets I General Manager. 1 r T th TT t J D- E- BURLEY, G. P. A. D. S. SPENCER, A. G. P. A. ! Corner I enth East and Salt Lake Citv Utah j Fifth South Streets ' t K jib Summer Excursion Rates j SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD g 6Q DAYg i; 50 vmmM WITH f jj Canyon of the Grande M 65 Xoy STOPOVERS I Panorama EaSle River Can3ron of Natural Wagon Wheel Gap ON SALE JUNE 1st TO SEPTEMBER 15th INC. ! Beauty all , , c . ' theWav Glenwood Springs I H O H II fl T I T O Returniname Way, $40 me way I llX flMLI-l l-X RitoralngThro'SanFraB. S50 I Canyon of the Gunnison lA3J TYi3lmmVm3 Returning Thro' Portland, $65 rp Garden of the Gods I Day ManitOU SpringS Two Daily Palatial Trains With j Trains, The Royal Gorge UNEXCELLED DINING CAR I SERVICE. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers. Good on LOS AN- Through geles limited. PULLMAN and TOITRTST STFFPFRS I j 1 UL-rl-rJ.fl.rai! U.JLIVI I UUlUtJ 4 OL.L.L.L J-lVO For Rcscrvation3 and Other Information ask your Local Agent 1 To Denver and St. Louis 1 J. H. BURTNER, D. P. A. I J For Folden, Booklets, Etc., Address L A. BENTON, G. A. P. D., Salt Lake City, Utah 1 69 Main St. Salt Lake City Ij |