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Show C m SOUTH MAIN ST. H 'The air of individuality and ex- H clusiveness that identifies the crea- B tions of the foremost designers of J Paris and New York characterizes II the hats and gowns we have pur- I chased for this spring and the coming I summer. I Women who are correctly clothed I look to us for smartness in styles. I Hamilton's SMART SHOP 216 Main Street I Studio, Salt Lake Security & Trust Building M. J.BRINES Ftrmtrlj aitlilant T tatbir U K. Prtntn Mlllir Carnuli Hall, Ntw Ttrk VOICE CULTURE AND TlIE ART OF SINGING Redolent with the - Odors of Spring Are the beiutiful blossoms with which our store is replete. The Springtime is in every one of them, violets, roses, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, carnations and more. There is just one best place of a kind in every city ours is that here. HUDDART FLORAL CO. East Second South, Opposite Grand Theatre SPOTS I will appear on the best of apparel, no matter how careful the wearer may be, but then there is consolation in knowing where to send your finery when soiled. The REGAL WAY OF FRENCH DRY CLEANING removes a lot of spots that no other process will touch. Now watch for SPOTS then telephone tele-phone for our wagon. Cleaning S Dyeing Ca MAIN OFFICE FIEST SOUTH AND STATE BELL EXCHANGE J 9 INDEPENDENT I I 33 PEMBROKE STATIONERY COMPANY. Now has artists emp". i in rrodur.ng the finest engraved and embc . sUcionery. - SEEING IS BELIEVING M come io our place to see H QVALITY THE GENS FLORAL CO. H Opp. Auethach and Co. 3cll 'Phone 3200 H """,,III,B"""""""'"'"""''""'""BI,"M,,,M",,"I",W H George E. Skelton. M VIOLIN TUITION H Studio Room 5 Board of Trade Bids theTheatreIiagazine I For Theatrical News and Stage Pictures H CLAUDE J. NETTLETON I Teacher of cOiolin H Studio 512 East Third Sooth Street H Telephones: Bell 4262, Ind. 4076 H Clason's New Right Up-to-date M Industrial Map of Utah, - $3.50 Nevada & Southern California 3.50 M Idaho, Wyo. or Colo. Maps 3.50 The Salt Lake Mining Review M 1 year, - - - 2.50 H THE MINING REVIEW and any one of the 'above maps in M combination, - - - - - 5.00 CKCaps sent C.O.T). for JlpproVal B The Salt Lake I Mining Review . I WILL C. HIGGINS, Gdllor A. B. GREESON, JXCanaget H Knee Drawers I and I Coat Undershirts I The cool, clean, comfort- able fabric underwear fl Moderately Priced B W. E. FIFE CO. I 1 66 MAIN ST. Td'IoIo M Succcuort to 9fl BROWN, TERRY & WOODRUFF CO. |