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Show M. H. KR1EBEL, Mgr. Gll-12 McCornick Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. ABSTRACT OP THE ANNUAL. TATEMENT For the Year Ending December 31, 1907, of the Condition of the WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE OMPANY. 1 The name and location of the com pany, Washington Life Insurance Company, New York, N. Y. 2 Name of President, John Tatlock. 3 Name of Secretary, J. "W. B. Vande- water. 4 The amount of its capital stock is ...? 500,000.00 5 The amount of its capital stock paid up is 500,000.00 G The amount of its assets is 19,108,784.72 7 The amount of Its liabilities (includ-J (includ-J ing capital) is ... 18,410,840.04 1 8 The amount of its 1 income during the I preceding calendar year 3,1G7,42G.11 9 The amount of its expenditures during the preceding cal- j endar year 2,804,8G2.G7 , 10 The amount of losses and matured endowments paid during the preceding preced-ing calendar year . 1,072,357.98 11 The amount of risks 3 written during the J year 4,205,150.00 I 12 The amount of risks I In fnrco nf tho nrwl I of the year ?.. 87,859,321.00 i State of Utah, Ofllce of the Secre- tary of State. ss. i I, Charles S. TIngey, Secretary of State of the State of Utah, do hereby 1 certify that the above named Insur ance Company has filed In my ofllce a detailed statement of its condition, !lrom which the foregoing statement has been prepared, and that the said company has in all other respects complied with the laws of the State relating to insurance. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto here-unto set my hand and afllxed the great seal of the State of Utah, this 31st day of March, A. D. 1908. .(Seal.) C. S. TINGEY, Secretary of State. ABSTRACT OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT BFor the Year Ending December 31, 1907, or the Conditon of the . EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED I STATES. 1 The name and location of the I company, Equitablo Lite Assur ance Society of the United States, New York, N. Y. 2 Name of President, Paul Morton. 3 Name of Secretary, William Alex ander. 4 Tho amount of its capital stock is ..? 100,000.00 5 Tho amount of Its 1 capital stock paid I up is .. 100,000.00 I G The amount of its R assets is 427,281,408.14 n 7 The amount of Its H liabilities (includ- il ing capital) is... 379,094,017.91 H S The amount of its u Income during the Pi pieceding calondar K year 75,1GO,490.G1 D 9 The amount of Its El expenditures dur- ing the precding calondar year .. 55,971,902. 3G m 10 The amount of H losses paid during tho preceding cal- H ondnr year 45.1G1.3G3.9C H 11 The amount of risks H written during tho year 73,279,540. 0C 12 The amount of risks in force at end of the year 1.340.12G.354.00 State of Utah, Qfllco of the Secretary Secre-tary of State. ss. I, Charles S. TIngey, Secretary of State of the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the above named Insurance Insur-ance Company has filed In my office a detailed statement of its condition, lrom which the foregoing statement has been prepared, and that the said company has in all other respects complied with the laws of the State relating to insurance. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto here-unto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the State or Utah, this 31st day of March, A. D. 1908. (Seal) C. S. TINGEY, Secretary of State. i C. E. TAYLOR. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. 222 South West Temple Street, ABSTRACT OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT B'or the Year Ending December 31, 1907, of the Condition of the STATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, COM-PANY, U. S. BRANCH 1 The name and location of the Com pany, State Fire Insurance Company, Com-pany, Liverpool, England. 2 Name of U. S. manager, James H. Brewster, Hartford, Conn. 3 Name of Secretary 4 The amount of Its U. S. deposit $ 200,000.00 5 The amount of its capital stock paid up G The amount of its assets as-sets is 418,321.45 7 The amount of its lia bilities (including capital) Is 154,542.95 8 The amount of Its in come during the preceding pre-ceding calendar year 11G,859.15 9 The amount of Its ex penditures during the preceding calendar year 138.02G.28 10 The amount of losses paid during the preceding pre-ceding calendar year 70,412.23 11 The amount of risks written during the year 15,238,177.00 12 Tho amount of risks in force at the end of the year 11,221,575.00 State of Utah, Office of the Score tary of Slate ss. I, Charles S. TIngey, Secretary oi State of the Stato of Utah, do here by certify that the above named In surance Company has fllea in mj office a detailed statement of Its condition, con-dition, from which the foregoing statement has been prepared, and that said company has in all other respects complied with the laws of the State l elating to insurance. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto here-unto sot my hand and affixed the great seal of the State of Utah this 31st day of March, A,. D. 1908. (Seal.) C. S TINGEY, Secretary of State. THE AGENCY COMPANY. (Incorporated ) AGENTS. Every Kind of Insurance. Suite 400 McCornick Building. Both Phones 407. ABSTRACT OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT For the Year Ending December 31, 1907, of tho Condition of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY. The name and location of tho Company, Com-pany, United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Baltimore, Maryland. 2 Name of President, John R. Bland 3 Name of Secretary, Georgo R Cal lis. 4 The amount of Its v capital stock is ..? 2,500,000.00 f 5 The amount of its 2 capital stock paid up is 1,700,000.00 G The amount of its assets Is 3,907,155.35 7 The amount of Its liabilities (Including capital) is 3,704,859.31 8 The amount of its in come during the preceding calendar year 2,099.134. 1G 9 The amount of its ex penditures during the preceding calendar calen-dar year 2,419,933.07 10 The amount of losses ' paid during the preceding pre-ceding calendar year 833.G9G.33 11 rIhe amount of risks written during the year 519,023,489.33 12 The amount of risks in force at the end of the year 811,489,528.78 State of Utah, Ofllce of tho Secretary Secre-tary of State ss. I, Charles S. Tingey, Secretary of State of tho State of Utah, do hereby here-by certify that the above named Insurance In-surance Company has llled In my office a detailed statement of its condition, con-dition, from which the foregoing statement has been prepared, and that said company has in all other respects complied with the laws of the State relating to insurance. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto here-unto set my hand and afllxed the great seal or the State of Utah this 31st day of March, A. D. 1908. (Seal.) C S. TINGEY, Secretary of State. THE AGENCY COMPANY, (Incorporated.) AGENTS. Every Kind of Insurance. Suite 400 McCornick JJnildlng. Both Phones 407; o ABSTRACT OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT For the Year Ending December 31, 1907, of the Condition of the THE EMPIRE STATE SURETY COMPANY. The name and location of the Company, Com-pany, The Empire Stato Surety Company, New York, N. Y. Name of President, Wm. M. Tomllns, Jr. Name of Secretary, Daniel Stewart. Tho amount of Its capital stock is ? 500,000.00 The amount of its capital stock paid up is 500,000.00 The amount of its assets Is 1,284,4GG.G9 The amount of Its liabilities liabili-ties (including capital) cap-ital) is 1,101,883.80 The amount or its income in-come during tho preceding pre-ceding calendar year 778,523.32 The amount of its expenditures expen-ditures during tho preceding calondar year 784,801.13 The amount of Its lossos paid during tho preceding pre-ceding calondar year 249,240.02 The amount of its risks written during the year 102,353,403.00 The amount of its risks in force at tho end or the end or tho year 71.G47.380.00 Slate of Utah, Office of the Secretary Secre-tary of Stato ss. I, Charles S. Tingey, Secretary oi Stato of the State of Utah, do hereby here-by certify that the above named Insurance In-surance Company has filed in mj ofllce a detailed statomont of its con : ditlon, irom which the rogolns , statement has been prepared, and thnl said company has in all other respooh . complied with the laws of tho State relating to insurance I w'vm In Testimony Whereor, I have here- m into set my hand and affixed the I 9 ;reat seal of the State ot Utah this ' I M Jlst day or April, A. D. 1908. , 1 J (Seal.) . C. S. TINGEY, i 1 VM Secretary of State. 1 J9 o l THE AGENCY COMPANY, 1 m (Incorporated.) ' ! ,f AGENTS. f j J Every Kind of Insurance. ! J Suite 400 McCornick Building. f 1 Both Phones 407. M ABSTRACT OF THE ANNUAL fc STATEMENT .' ' For the Year Ending December 31, ' m 1907, of the Condition of the J SHAWNEE FIRE INSURANCE COM- 1 PANY. 'J I 1 The name and location of the Com- pany, Shawnee Fire Insurance L 1 Company, Topeka, Kansas. J 2 Name of President, Joab Mulvane. f i 3 Name of Secretary, H. T. Morgan. ' 4 The amount of Its i j capital stock is ..? 200,000.00 J 5 The amount of its 'j d capital stock paid . "i up is 200,000.00 i j G The amount of its -H assets is 1,451,355.13 , j 7 The amount of its 1 - K liabilities (includ- 'j ing capital) Is 1,24G,81G.42 . 8 The amount of its in- , come during the pre.- f ; ceding c a 1 e n dar year 1,389,008.84 , 9 Tho amount of its ex- j penditures during j the preceding calen- , dar year 1,034, 5G4.G9 ' 10 The amount of losses ! ing calendar year 452,482.95 P 1 11 The amount of risks , I m written during the ' I -& year 99,019,424.00 '. 12 The amount of risks r I In force at the end , j of the year 129,888,133.00 li State of Utah, Ofllce of the Secre- '' tary of State ss. , I, Charles S. TIngey, Secretary or State of the State of Utah, do here- by certify that the above named In- ! surance Company has filed in my office a detailed statement of Its con- i ! ditioh, from which the foregoing m statement has been prepared, and that ji ' said company has in all other respects ; I complied with the laws of the State ! relating to insurance. t In Testimony Whereof, I have here- unto set my hand and affixed the i great seal of tho State of Utah this ' s 31st day of March. A. D. 1908. j (Seal.) C. S. TINGEY, 'J Secretary of State. i LEGAL NOTICES. ' - ... r ASSESSMENT NOTICE. REVENUE DEEP MINING & TUN- ", NEL COMPANY. ' J Principal place of business, 307 Trl- jj bune building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 NOTICE IS HfcJRBBY GIVEN, that 'I at a meeting of the directors held on ' , the 25th day of April, 1908, an assess- ; i ment of one (1) mill per share was levied on the capital stock of the ' corporation, payable on or before p I June 15th 1908, to A. B. Sawyer, Jr., ) Secretary, at 307 Tribune Building, , Salt Lake City, Utah. J Any stock upon which this assess- ', ment may remain unpaid on the 23rd j A day of June, 1908, will be delinquent ! s and advertised for sale at public auc- lj . tion, and unless payment is made be- hv J fore will be sold on the 20th day of h i ' July, 1908. at S:00 p. m. of said day, at ; the office of said company, to pay the . delinquent assessment together witn f ' tho cost of advertising and expense of sale. - A. B. SAWYER, Jr., Secretary. l t 307 Tribune Building, Salt Lake s City, Utah. j Date of first publication May 2, 1908. |