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Show i; J5?t Society EnJent of the WeeK V lj This little story is going the rounds: A re- H III cent fiancee on the announcement of her engage- H y " ment was the recfpient of a most gorgeous bunch H Wi , of American Beauties with no card enclosed. The B J! happy maiden racked her brains to decide which H Jt . one of her ex-lovers had been so generous, and H i Anally settled upon one who was also a family H. p? friend. The gentleman called that evening. She B !" , flew to meet him enthusiastically, "Oh, J ," she H j ( exclaimed, "did you send me those lovely roses?" HE lij "AH, M ," he retorted reproachfully, "would I 'jjji celebrate my own defeat?" Now she wonders H ij j who did. H III ' J J J m 1 I Mrs. Matron Yes; when I was young we H Iti studied B s' Rhetoric and I have never seen its V ;! I eqUal since. " Mrs. Youth, sweetly I suppose it is out of j1 1 I print ndw. Hf jjg) w t3 m a Have you observed the peculiar fitness of a m ill series of functions for some hostesses? Well, B f yoii know oil and water won't mix. Hf lj w w w B i j Mrs. Dalby began the week's gaieties Monday Hj H with an elaborate tea in honor of Mrs. T. Ander- H 1 son Baldwin. A bevy of Salt Lake's most charm- II ing young matrcTns assisted, and many flowers iH vied with the May sunshine to enhance the beauty H of the occasion. ,? J -Mrs. Dunbar will entertain for Mrs. Arthur ij Shepard next Wednesday. . , Miss Katherine Creary entertained at a Dutch supper Wednesday evening at the Post In honor of Mrs. McLaughlin. Mrs. Heffron and Mrs. Berthel who are leaving the city to make their homes elsewhere are the recipients of much attention.. Mrs. Green enter-' enter-' tained in their honor Wednesday, and Mrs. Bene dict Thursday afternoon. On Tuesday Mrs. Boyd gave a card party for Mrs. Barthel and Friday Mrs. E. F. Harvey entertained for her. i Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Thomas entertained St. Mark's Guild at a Kensington Thursday. The guests of the Fifth East hotel gave a hop Thursday evening. A number of box parties minus the boxes, i owing to the seat arrangement of the tabernacle were given at me Ramsey concert last night, i Mayor and Mrs. Califf entertained at dinner ) Friday evening. Miss Winn took Mrs. Fabian's place as hostess host-ess at the Country Club last Saturday owing to the latter's absence in the East. Salt Lake is to have the pleasure of a concert from Edwin H. Lemare, who is en route to Australia. Aus-tralia. Mr. and Mrs. Lemare will be the guests of I Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Miller, and will receive all who ' wish to meet them Monday afternoon, June 1st. Mrs. O. E. CJary entertained most delightfully ! at an afternoon tea Wednesday. Miss Noble gave an evening party Friday. The Murrays entertained Informally Monday evening. Mrs. W. S. Jones entertained at cards Monday-day Monday-day for her sister, Mrs. Kell of Chicago. , Mrs. Arthur H. S. Bird -is hostess at the Coun-I Coun-I try Club this afternoon. Rowland Hell opens its Commencement Week with a cantata on the lawn under the direction I of Mrs. Plummer. An especially pleasant luncheon was that glv- I en by the Misses Sherman at the Commercial ! club Saturday. About forty young ladies enjoyed their hospitality, i General Burton entertained at an informal 1 luncheon at the Alta Club Friday in honor of Lieu tenant Pearson. ' Miss Mary C. May and assistants will receive n A j their friends at the University Friday evening from 8 to 11 o'clock. The tea given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Hal Brown and Miss Mary Louise Anderson in honor of Miss Leonard was charming in all its appointments. appoint-ments. About seventy guests were present. Mrs. W. Montague Ferry entertained at luncheon lunch-eon Wednesday for her guest, Miss Edith Ferry. Whereabouts. Miss Jona-Budd Geddes returned from school in the East Monday. Mrs. G. F. Murphy of Chicago Is visiting Mrs. Chas. Read. Mrs. J. William Edmunds and daughter, Doris, left Sunday for the East. They will spend the summer in England. Claude Freed went to Denver Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Fenton returned from a month's eastern trip Monday. Mrs. D. C. McLaughlin has returned from New York, and will be at home to her friends for a month at the Knutsford. E. W. Duncan has gone East. Miss Edith Sayre of Red Bank, N. J., is the guest of Miss Laura Bird. George J. Gibson is spending a month in the East. Mrs. Allen B. Squires of Denver is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. H. Stevenson. Mrs. Thomas Yardley and daughters leave early ear-ly in June for St. Paul, where they will make their home in future. Wade Warren Thayer of Honolulu, a one-time Salt Laker, stopped off Friday on his way East. Mrs. Forbes of Bute has returned home after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Alff. Mrs. McCullough arrived Saturday from the Philippines, where she has spent the past year and a haif. Mrs. McCullough will spend some months visiting her mother, Mrs. Forbes. Lieutenant Lieu-tenant McCullougTI will join her here in the fall. Miss Olive Jennings returns from New York cmly next month to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Jennings. Mrs. J. T. Gilmer visited "in Ogden last week. Mrs. George H. Robinson has returned to Salt Lake to reside. She is at home to her friends at the Kenyon. P. L. Williams and daughter, Miss Katherine, are at 79 Twelfth East. Mrs. T. Anderson Baldwin, after a pleasant visit of several weeks in the city, left for Montana Mon-tana Thursday. Mrs. John Reed has returned from a pleasant visit in Oregon. I Miss Peery of Ogden is visiting in the city, and B will be at the Knutsford for a few days. m Mrs. Frolseth returns from Europe in July. K Dr. A. A. Kerr has returned from New Orleans. K Lynn: F. Clinton, just graduated with honors K at Leland Stanford, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Miller leave June 4th for W Kansas City. They expect to spend two months visiting the Atlantic coast cities before their re-I re-I turn. . Miss Julia Dean is expected in Salt Lake about the middle of June. Miss Margaret Park and Miss Edyth Hale returned re-turned from Stanford Monday. Walter Evans is home from Stanford. Miss Goble of Rock Springs, Wyo., is visiting the Misses Savage. Mrs. L. H. Farnsworth and children leave for California next week to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. McDonald of Nevada are visiting Judge McDowall and family this week. Mrs. Judson and son, Lyman, will spend the summer in the East. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland were called to Concord, Con-cord, N. H., Tuesday by the dangerous illness of their son, Philip. Mrs. J. O. Reber has returned from her visit in Denver. 1 ! ' raggled bunting that was. , fast Jqslng its shades H upon the brick background-land he lapsed into reminiscent silence. He thought of Shiloh and Vicksburg. He looked up again at the trl-colored H bunting and noted tho havoc the dripping paint H created. There was sadness in the gaze, Sam is a good Republican now, and then he found his voice in a shout of triumph: "By God," said Sam, H "that's the first time I over saw those colors H & & H The Mayor's veto of the Home Telephone JM franchise came like a bolt out of a clear sky and jH much is the marveling thereat. The carefully laid H plans of the company have been wrecked athwart H the main chance, askance at which the mayor is always looking. Even the "brethren's hug," a la H John Henry, could not suffice, and the fate of tho H franchise hangs in the balance waiting H for the death blow it will probably receive Mon- H day night. In this connection it Is just as well H to say that the thriving genii of this admlnistra- B tion, the spirit of commercialism, is responsible H for the defeat of tho Home company. It is a poor II business that wont pay dividends. Put money in H thy purse, said lago. Talk is cheap, but not over H two telephones in Ogden town. Money makes the H mare gol Isn't that the right way to spell it? |