Show LOCAL ITEMS OF THE mrs john bowen ot of arbon idaho 1 13 visiting relatives in this city and at perry attorney B H K jones left this city saturday tor for dolse boise idaho on bustness business matters mrs arthur J petersen and children spent the weekend week end with relatives and nd friends at logan miss vera earl and her cousin miss thelma earl 0 of salt lake lak city are spending the week in brigham city mrs F IV young ot of tooele thoele Is visiting in this city at the home ot of her parents mr and mrs ephraim white mr air and mrs airs alonzo H peterson and children of 0 salt lake city spent the weekend week end with relatives in this city mr and mrs worth anderson andersen and daughter of salt lake city spent the weekend week end visiting relatives in this city miss lulu jensen 0 of salt lake city spent the weekend week end in this city at the home of 0 her mother mrs meda jensen bishop and mrs A M seely ol of rosette spent several days of the week at t the home of mr and mrs jesse W hoopes earl J knudson of salt lake city spent the weekend week end at the home ot of his mother mrs C W knudson in this city mr and mrs airs ell F graehl and children of snowville Snow vIlle spent the weekend visiting friends and relatives in this city mr alir and mrs airs E A of salt lake city spent the weekend week end in this city at the home of mr and mrs H R P mahnken deputy charles cheal motored to promontory yesterday afternoon on matters ot of business connected with the sheriffs office F W earl and sons hyrum and joseph earl who are doing contract plastering at salt lake city spent sunday in brigham Brigi ham city mr and mrs airs isaac H jensen and children mrs airs mattle hollist and daughter and mrs alice mifflin visit visited ed with relatives and friends at avon sunday the alss misses s elberta and mary peterson of salt lake city spent the weekend week end gat the home of their parents mr and mrs lorenzo peterson in this city 6 carter ot of salt lake city spent the weekend week end with his family in this city he was accompanied to lo salt hake lake by mrs carter monday who will i spend the remainder of the week there mr and mrs leon valentine and children of silver city visited over the weekend week end with mr mother mrs airs sophy valentine in this cy city marius mrs A M nielsen mrs rees L wight and mrs airs and mrs rudolph of this city motored to redmond in southern utah saturday returning sunday night mrs S D sandusky re returned turne to her home in roseville calif monday mon d ay morning having spent the past week visiting at the home of her mother mrs airs mary alary johnson and other relatives in this city the misses rietta and alvina aref aretter ter will entertain with vocal selections tonight at the third ward I 1 mutual meeting miss aliss rietta krefter is conducting a class in vocal culture at her studio in the hansen furniture music company stop look listen confusion liberty theatre may 6 a 30 warden and mrs airs richard E davis and daughter Af margaret argaret of salt lake city were visiting monday at the home c of f their son attorney and mrs airs wm m E davis in this city sunday the davis family attended the funeral services at malad idaho for thomas A davis |