Show NEWS FROM BEAR RIVER CITY CITI IV BEAR RIVER CITY april 27 the religion re class gave an apron and overall lance dance last friday night which was enjoyed very much by all the young folks of 0 our ward mrs austin johnson and little daughter gloria are visiting relatives and friends at atton afton wyoming t airs aaron E christensen entertained the entre club at her home bome W wednesday ed n esai y at afternoon M needlework was the diversion of 0 the entertainment tain ment and at 5 a delicious two was served to the following members mesdames albert holmgren HoIm gren bert gardner henry johnson reuben Holni holmgren gren bernard haneen ralph jenson jensen leslie jensen george gardner osey jensen austin johnson the guests of 0 the he club were mrs melvln johnson arnold christensen and miss fawn hansen spring flowers adorned the rooms and centered the table the color scheme was carried out in ln yellow and green primary conference was held in the chapel sunday afternoon mrs ella I 1 hansen hangen in fit charge A most splendid program pr and demonstration ot of the primary work was given by the children which was enjoyed very much by all present mr and mrs laver anderson Anderso not oe mcgill nevada are visiting at the home of 0 mr andersons parents mr and mrs clarence anderson mr anton christensen has purchased a new dodge sedan mrs mary petersen Pe tersea of logan was visiting relatives rea tives and friends frienda here fridae friday and saturday i mr and mrs james jensen and mrs R W nelson were salt lake visitors saturday and ancl sunday |