Show Autumn Many Joys For the By BAUKHAGE News Analyst and Commentator WASHINGTON D. D You C.-You are reading these ese lines I trust not too long after the autumnal equinox which I hope you celebrated a with the proper ceremonies The word equinox is Latin for equal night which implies equal dayAll day day- I I All over the earth there is that kind of equality at this time I Thus the Creator established equality of at such nice perfection that neither the strongest telescope nor northe northe northe the most accurate micrometer can question It Equality was something something something some some- thing that had no rr 1 measure of weight t r i until the philosophers philosophers at I proclaimed It and until it was preached to the western world by a aLj Lj lowly carpenters carpenter's A son of ot Nazareth We worked nearly nearly near near- I H ly 2000 years before be be- fore tore a political goal embodying this philosophy 1 was written into the Constitution Baukhage of a nation the nation the United States It ItIs ItIs ItIs Is an unachieved goal but one more nearly reached here than anywhere else ebe in the world world fellow fellow travelers to the contrary notwithstanding Strangely enough the one idea chiefly associated with equality of day and night the night the equinox has equinox has been proved utterly unfounded For Fora a long time it was generally accepted accepted ac ac- accepted ac- ac and Is still believed by many that violent storms which were given the name gales are prevalent at this season Suppose you were to approach the 10 men men or or twenty or thirty who who have spent the most time studying this particular subject gathering all the facts checkIng checking check cheek ing lag all the records available as long ong ng as authentic records have existed If you asked them if ItIs Itis it itis is true that there are especially bad storms at this time of year ear hey bey would answer in carefully worded and virtually understandable understandable understandable under under- sentences That Is the bunk At the equinox the sun is in the process of ot crossing the celestial e equator quator That Is the circle parallel t to o our equator which if U expanded would touch the sun The sun does t this his In the spring vernal equinox I and In the fall taU autumnal equinox I At this season if U you live in my ray neighborhood or within several hundred miles thereof you will heed this piece of advice in the Hagerstown Md which lays tays The ravages of the tent caterpillars caterpillars cat cat- go 10 unnoticed by many persons until the leaves are arc eaten from a tree Naturally it makes extra work for the tree to produce another set of new leaves which weakens the tree nd wid after a lew years of this work the tree Is in danger danger dan dan- ger of dying The greatest natural enemy of the tent caterpillar is the common house wren These are valuable birds to have in your gardens during the growing season sea sea- son son And now after that piece of advice advice advice ad ad- vice which is not seasonal for tor my friends down under where the autumnal equinox heralds the coming coming com corn ing lag of summer and not fall tall and winter winter winter win win- ter let us return to our meteorological meteorological meteorological meteoro meteoro- logical mutton I will not become technical but I think it is just as well to get better acquainted with the phenomena natural and otherwise which surround surround surround sur sur- round us There Is no reason why if it one rises late in the night to let the cat in or out he need crack a ashin ashin ashin shin on a chair once he understands why and in what position his wife has moved it since he last noticed its location location and and the stars are just celestial furniture What la Is This Thing Retrograde Motion There Is a certain retrograde motion from east to wes west of the points which I wont won't go into in detail for several reasons one being that I haven't the slightest slight slight- est Idea what the phrase means Nevertheless I will mention that retrograde de motion was discovered by a gentleman by the name of ot in the year about before Christ Experts say this motion motion motion mo mo- tion accounts for the changes In the position of the Pole star the North Star as it is usually called Some people think the Pole star doesn't change A number of ot important important im im- im people since have thought so Take one William Shakespeare Remember In Act III HI of Julius Caeser when a n petition for repeal of ot the disenfranchisement of Publius Cimber is presented Cassius drops to his knees to beg for the repeal but Caeser says I could be well moved If I were as you If I could pray to move prayers prayers prayers pray pray- ers would move me But I am ani constant as the northern northern north north- em ern star Of whose truc true and resting quality There Is no fellow in the meat ment I I The skies are painted with nn- nn sparks They are arc all fire and every one doth shine But Dut theres there's but one In all doth hold his place Perhaps Shakespeare had never r read ead Some say he couldn't read but If so where did he get his plots Anyhow chus thus said and nobody has disproved dis dis' disproved proved his theory that the position of the thc Pole star does change from our viewpoint One authority ex ex- explains explains plains it this way The pole of ot the earth eart Is swingIng swing swing- I I Ing ng slowly as if U it were the axis of ofa I a top or as if It the earth rotating were a kind of ot gyroscope The study of what Is called the precession precession precession pre cession of the equinoxes their moving backward in relation to the constellations Is fascinating But I have no Intention of ot reading a lecture lecture lec lec- ture on astronomy here here for for several several sev eral reasons Including the one d before But I do want to mention some things which George Stimson with whom I have just been talking brought up You remember George He comes from Anamosa Iowa where he has just been spending spending spending spend spend- ing a wonderful vacation with his mother who at 77 does her own cooking because she likes it better better better bet bet- ter and according to George for good reasons than an anyone's ones one's else George to whom most WashIngtonians Washingtonians Washingtonians Wash- Wash turn when they want the right answer anser says that records records rec rec- records for a period of 50 years show that there were actually fewer storms during the period between September 20 and 25 which overlaps o the equinox than there were immediately preceding September 25 The same he be says is true of ot the vernal equinox The notion about storms in one form or another says George dates back to at least 1748 1743 and probably originated among seafaring people All this information is in his Book About a Thousand Things and if U I had thought to look it up first I wouldn't have interrupted him in his work on his book about a thousand or more things regarding regarding regard regard- ing lag American history which will be his next opus and which Im I'm willing willingto to say in advance of publication is going to be good So much for the equinoxes with whom since we meet them twice a year we ought to get better ac aCt ac- ac Blackjack Pershing's Life and Times Speaking of at books Co Col I. I Frederick Palmer sent me his latest book entitled en cn titled General John J. J Pershing It was written some time ago recently recently recently re re- re- re brought up to date after Palmers Palmers Palmer's Palmers Palmer's Pal Pal- mers mer's last interview with Pershing but in accordance with the authors author's stipulation was not published until after Pershing's death It was not to be submitted I Ito to him or to appear in the I light of an official blog biography or one authorized by his heirs This is stated in the foreword and Palmer elaborated on his attitude to me during a luncheon shortly before the book appeared Colonel Palmer is the elder statesman of the war correspond But years are of ot small account account ac ac- ac- ac count to him He is pert active and his memory Is phenomenal I knew of him in connection with the Russo Russo- Japanese war although at the time of ot that conflict my ray military experience ence was limited to playing with z A I I painted ae i lf f warships I I The warships were a ChristI Christmas Christ Christ- mas present received ed while I was still building with blocks and shooting Indians with bows made of umbrella ribs and drillIng drill drill- ing In an infant cadet corps Later I came cam to know a colleague of ot Palmers Palmer's in that war which gave Japan the toe-hold toe in the Far East that made her the power she was in W World r d War II I His c colleague was Photographer Jimmy Hare the dean of ot his clan for The many decades j Pershing book I have read at this writing but not I as I do Ill I'll tell soon a as you about it S S What a wonderful landing said the little three POint oin kangaroo its mother to S S S Although the special session Of ol congress was mad at the I for n calling them back they the reading of avel hi his proclamation assembling them a tribute history They stood rare in up was read They while It they got up c thought af about t to be made the Invocation was Was Was' I and like to sit dOWn they didn't eri and I error r reveal their S S 5 There may be a new Spain Nice Ring King ci 01 Work r it if away with it it y you U can cat get |