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Show I To Start the Day Right Hj j YOU MUST HAVE a substantial breakfast. The H I food you oat should bo easily assimilable; it should K impart strength and energy. . if "When yon wero a "kid" you had tho glorious do- H f sire to bo "up and doing." You can have it again if H; H you cat the proper foods. H'if GOOD BREAD Royal Bread should bo tho H I foundation of every breakfast you cat; and it should Hi be a part of every other meal, because it is a real body Hj builder and ncrvc-euorgi'ing food; there's nothing H, better. I ROAL BREAD 1 teAL The bread -hat made lgi ffi mother cpiit baJdiKj B ' '1 . ; s Is Bread at its best. It will help to bring you cheor- ij ful todays and glad tomorrows. It's so scientifically l made that easy digestion is assured. All Royal Breads Hflftk are sold by Neighborhood Grocers. Wm ROYAL BAKING COMPANY H Wi Usi $100,000 Utah County Hard Wheat Flour AdaoiIIt m i i -.--..- ..--. iinrtim isiiwisiirn y i r ' U Notice to Contractors Separato bids for tho Gcnoral Con tract, and for tho Electric wiring for tho Carneglo Library building to be oroctcd at American Fork, Utah, will b0 received by tho American Fork Library Li-brary Board, nt Amorlcan Fork, Utah, until 2M5 p. m. Wednesday, March 29, 1922. Contractors In Utah County and South apply to Secretary of tho library li-brary Board at Amorlcan Fork for plans. Contractors In Bait Lako County and North apply to Ware, Treganta & Cannon, Architects, for plans. Each application for plans must bo accompanied by a check for 110.00 payable to Waro, Treganza & Cannon, which chock is to bo forfeited in cnao ot falluro of tho contractor to submit a bid and to return the plans and specifications on or boforo tho tlmo sot for opening bids. Ench bid must bo accompanlod by a cortlfled check for not less than thrco per cent (3) ot tho amount of tho bid, payablo to tho Amorlcan Fork Library Board, which check is to bo forfeited In tho event ot tho contractor falling to sign a satisfactory satisfac-tory contract and furnish a satisfactory satisfac-tory bond within ten days from tho tlmo ot the awarding ot tho contract. For further particulars see "Notlco to Contractors" attached to the specifications, speci-fications, The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. CLIFFOIID E. YOUNG, ll-3t Secy, ot tho Library Board. I A COPPER WASHeE for a Silver Dollar feSTS The New Improt Kffli.A - I I9kja?- ""-! taJBBBr Auto Made ijiffiF w&: BBBS-HsHHBn(ITinrnSBVBBMI jBB L Electric- Washer WmlBIBHB1 Jk w!i A Wonderful T?3sP H5f Many nbwi Washer Made i2::rJnTi(iXj - I ' ' 1 Jr 20year8mesjHWp" Better W X I r-fliH UL N . 'greatest w&aUHi bale ? 7 ! machine vilsjBri ltraW i w, wo have erSBt oro". . , found. B"" " SPECIAL TERMS IHPsfc our customers-own H-B1 for March Only lM: " on any Monday moriiiBue,11 by tho AutoMatic eleiH' vTl.cc! ' d1 DOWN AND ' RS&"h3gl K I ; iTm.. placed cud to end, thMSf PA $5 A MONTH ffituoarXSlfc raiv iw w j . . m- .- i.kr . from Salt Lako Cl U Order Yonr New Improved AutoMatic NOW !.! Butte. Montana! Mn m' . . ( Foi B-SJBJHBjBBjB-i .HfOr SB-HcTtl ' Utah Power & Light Company Jj "Efficient Public Service" Wfc, Ijjm AtBAH!AtAICAU?AUi4A5 auia'ia aai auaiaiam aiaia IKAIKAIBAIIbV'bCL. OpKOKOW50KXKOXO j Painting and I Paperhanging Lot J. W. Vier and Sons m do your Spring work. 2 S A full lino of wall paper 0 ,0 books brought to your ? g homo by request. All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable k I J. W.Vier w American Fork, fc I koxooxo5r!os:o?;omoko? ' ASSESSMENT NOTICE NO. M 'H b raclflc Gold MlaJa ni Mining ,' An ( pnny, Principal Place of ilnihMVnH - American Fork, Utah. H TC " lBBl ft Notlco Is hereby given that at a knoetlng ot the Directors ot th abort JLa named company, held on the 6th itJHL of March, 1922, assessment No. (0 &(Bj 110.00 per 1000 shares (one cent P" share) was levied on tho capital ? 'stock of tho corporation, payable hv ' (mediately to H. C. Johnson, SocreUrr, ;) nt his office, Amorlcan Fork. Utal. Any stock upon which this asscssmaet remains unpaid on April 15, 1922, wOl I u delinquent and advertised tor sale , at public auction and unless paymeit ,H lis made boforo, will be sold on Mot- !day, May 8, 1922, at 4 o'clock p. ' at the ottlce of the Secretary, t H Amorlcan Fork, to pay the dollnqueet H assessment, together with tho coit ot '- H advertising and expense ot sale. H H. O. JOHNSON, Secretary. ' First pub. March 11 Last April M ' fl Hlghost price paid for clean rs M firing them to this office. AI j PraKEMBROODER COAL I j I and Lumber to Build the Coop I I Buy of the !(. Mutual Coal & Lumber Co. |