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Show ' ' '-H O bsI H L k4 H " jB W - 'IcbbbbbI I frH To keep our patrons so well served, I JH so fully satisfied that they will come 1 t'fl f-in and again is the policy of the I I'fl !' Bank of American Fork. I I :B MLr Tie friendly relationship existing be- 1 " X jLm nl!L tWMn our customers and this bank is 1 H flfyJjSfl evidenced by their steady increase in I ,f 'jkrn iiuaiMpp- number. ' 1 a jjH With resources of over One Million I f H Dollars safety for your funds is se- I a ;H - cured- I J ' H We solicit your patronage. I ; I ! fe'?7HsBs H lBBlBBSvjHLaBBBBBBBBBBMBmBBBBBBBBBBB I 2 'BBl BB)BJ iniMiWIl llirBiriftl U D TilBs I : I I v . i JHHHHSMMMBMHHBHMVMnni '' - -' I I pEMEMBERtoask Bj -v your grocer for Cal ' umet Baking Powder and be 6ure that you get itthe In- dianheadontheorangelabeL Then forget about bake day failures. For you will IB1, never have any. Calumet Iflflbv always produces the sweet Bks est and most palatable foods. And now remember you always use less than of roost M other brands because it pos- i teates greater leavening strength. 1 I j Now Remember- I I I Sb Always se .4lJt I I ' BflswIHBirTEfBBMMABV jsl Mm 3H "LB I smBByBBJ9S Lg There is no waste. U a x redrcaU8forpneegB--two c-m cups of flour half a cup ox coiumu . milk that's all you. use. Mum- , You never have to re-bake. . -. 4 CUD1 ftlltaH 1 ' Contains only such mgre- tour, 4lvei tea- dienta as have been officially fpoon" 'umeJ .pprovedbyU.& Food Authorities. shjH fcHhe product ol the largest. roost 1 b'eP00"u: . , modern and sanitary Baking Pow- gar. 1 teaspoon S a? derFactoriwta existence. Sm oflwiet Pound can of Calumet contains full j xhenmls 16 or. Some bah Inn powders comem n the regular r 12 os. Instead of 16 oz. caf.sTilq sure way. you Ret n pound whf n you went it, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWM I Classy Commonwealth FORD BUG TRACTOR With New Good Mechiiicil Body & Top ' Conditio! For Further Information Call at this Office I For Quick I Will take sale$360 $400 IIMMIMHMMMMIMHMMXIMHHIIIIII MH I ASK FOR Alpine Ice Cream "THE PIJAK OF PERFECTION" i ; PURE it's pasteurized. SMOOTH it's homogenized. ; Made in Provo and sold by all leading dealers. IIIKt SKAGGS I VS. I OLD Time Grocery DEALER 3 HKAGGS. Cash and Carry. LW OLD-TIMER. Credit nnd expensive delivery. nfti, H SKAGGS. Small profits big sale. - '" H OLD-TIMER. Big profits small sales. , T ' i H SKAGGS. Increase in wages; good service. H OLD-TIMER. Cut in wages; discournged; poor Bery ice: LM HKAGGS. Leads in low prices. LM OLD-TIMER. Iioads in high prices. '; M SKAGGS, Buy in car lots; get big discount. 'H OLD-TIMER. Buy few cnBcs; no discounts. H SKAGGS. Advertise bargains and price chaagtt. LM OLD-TIMER. Tries to follow Skaggs ads, M ANOTHER OAR FRESH SALMON AND H HALIBUT FOR NEXT WEEK. H Some of Our Regular Prices PANCAKE FLOUR HEINZ GOODS H Ntdlum Chow-Chew We Bfl 75c-0 lb. Sack Already l'aacake d(fg8 Cllow.chon , 1H Flow, for to fcdBM sMt GherkJaa Me M S ItM. Already l'aacake Flear .. Mc Medium Sweet Millar Ma M aiTDTTD Medlam SMeet Mixed Me M SYRUP j.0lg. Werccttcrsklre Saaee .... Me H f 143 Large Can Caae aad Maple Hmall Indta Kdtali Me tM Syrap, (or $M& Urge India Kelkk Me H ll.lft-4 lb. Cbh Caae aad Maple el" ,?Wettl lie 1H 8yrap for 7&c r,nt Mlt Vlaegar ,..., Mt 'H 55c-,H lb. C' C.'.e d' Maple J-J HVSS CHEESE AND MACARONI ;' pp itte Me H Itollle Prepared Mustard .... .. lie MM 25c lb. Full Cream Ckeee, lb. .. Mc Medium Chill Sauce Me ,CUflV 20c lb. Loose Macaroni, i lbs. tot 2Jc mraBM Tomato Banc Port (jiH 90c lb. Loom Macaroni, S lbs. for 65c . BeMg, fer tU 4H 9 Pks. Macaroni or Moodeli for 4c Hrdlam Red Kidney Beans Me M 15c Solid Pack Tomatoa Me 8miiii Midget Onions e H 15c Sweet Corn, I (or ..., tie GeA pepBer Snuee Me M Early June Peas, 2 for 5e jilum j pMHIt Batter Me H 20c Htrlnfless Beans, S for ..,. S5e CEREALS sH CANNED MLLK ' L'ta Corn Flakes, S for .... Me . I I . -.. . !5c Pkg. Corn Flakes, 8 fer .,, Ke V 16c L. Can Sexo Milk, for ... . Me25r VutM Uk,tt Me 8c Small Cans Sege Milk, 4 for Mcjr)C p. Hack Rolled Oats Me Wc Eagle Brand Milk, 8 for .... 4&ch.c-9 lb. Sack Corn Meal' ...... Me ' SKAGGS I No. 38 - - American Fork I OUT JVLOWERS l Ant Floral Iteftttfii a Specialty. H CarnntluH oid Hoses, all colors. Bfl I. Mil H.OHlh CO. LEHI telephone joHr order We ikll BJ promptly. BE If Disease or Acci- I dent stops your ; Income M Dlseoso or accident may at any "H time totally aad permanently disable BJ you and put an end to your earning 'Bfl power. What would you and your BJ family do for an Income? How would BJ your home bi maintained? Would BJ your wife work? Would your chit- BJ 'dren leave school nnd work? Your BJ wlfo might bo unablo to earn an in- BJ come your children might be too BJ young. There Is a better way and a BJ sure way. "BJ Let Mi Explain it to Yoi I J. E. Chadwick I District Sapt I MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. M J ; Windsor Hotel 11 The Place Whore You Meet Your Friends. Ill .B. FITZrATRICK (Props.) A. CARTER 'J "LOCATED IN THE HEART OP SALT LAKE ? OITY, UTAH." S "- F I Rir Froo Yellow Bus Meets & lYniBH w J $1.00 and up. M JH ! |