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Show Manila Notes Mrs. Emma W. Miller bt' Shelley ' H Ildnho,, who has been vlsttlhg "relatl- H ves and friends here reWrnedto her H iomo there Monday. ''' H - Miss Velda Klrkarn and Messrs. H Arno Klrkam and H. C. Coatee were H visitors at the M. t. A., .conjoint H meeting Sunday night Both 'of the H young men are' returned mlsslonar- ,H leh and related many Interesting ex- H perlences, Miss Klrkam and Mr. H Klrkam also furnished several' must- 'H cal numbers that were much enjoyed H by all present H , Mlllen Jtadmql) and Morrll N. War- ' H llck visited he Alpine M. I.'a meet- H Ing Sunday evening. uLLh , R, D. Wadley. II. V. 8we4on and H local president W. W. Warwick at- M 'tended the Farm Bureau meeting H ihoid 'af'PfbVo' Saturday. ; H Mrs. O. P. Warnlck vIsItediMrs, 3. M IL AHderaoar.aUher home In- Amerl- H Wn Fork last Thursday. Mrs. And- H ersoBthribWa:fenfne;to her home- ,- iH 'for the-past'sevaral-weeks with ser- JH ious rnncss,' ''. 'MM The-Primary As'h gave a .dancing 'H Iiarty Thursday evonlng for 'all the H children of the. ward. 'Pros. Hannah H "MonBon -and tho other Primary offl- H ccrs worked hnrd to mako It most H .enjoyable affair. Several musical ,H numbors wore given also spoctal H rianccB hy somo of the pupll.i who H wore npproplatoly costumed. ' H Many of the music lovers, of Minl- H la attended, tho concert glvon by tho bLb U. A. C. Gleo Club at Pleasant Grovo H Wcdnesdny, H A sovoro blizzard raged In 'Manila H and vicinity Wednesday afternoon H which piled tho snow In some, places H ns high, as clghKfeet". The roads H wore almost Impassablo for several H days. H J j bbI |