Show movin moving a day in northern virginia among the volunteers who ought fought in the first battle of dull bull run kun was john A logan loean then a member of congress from illinois and later a major general and a senator from illinois As soon as aa general logan saw sav that there was wai going to be some actual fighting near washington he left the capital got hold of a musket and walked all the way to bull run bun there he joined colonel richardsons Richard sons regiment lind and though he was in ordinary dress stood his ground as valiantly ns as anyone and longer than most in the end however there wag was nothing for hini him to do except to join the retreat he found himself back in washington the next morning going up to the capitol he was soon surrounded by a score or two of congressmen to whom he was describing incidents of the battle and of the rout who told you about all this asked one congressman who had come up apo late to hear bear the beginning of logans story why I 1 was there myself was the reply you were there exclaimed the congre congressman samm why were the care cara running out that way no said logan with elgrim agrim the cars were not running but everything else in my vicinity was youths companion |