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Show Alex. Hales DRAY and TRANSFER Phone 34-W t. u Nothing too Big! Nothing to Small! In or Out of Town Conveyance to Springs Car leaves Drug Store Corner at 8 o'clock every Evening. GARLAND, - - - UTAH. CLASSIFIED I "MANAGER WANTED-A com-pitent com-pitent manager wanted to take charge of the Corinne Flour Mills at Corinne, Utah. Apply in writing to Christian Olsen, Brigham City, Utah. lt-adv. Open all the time. Hours 0 0 4. SPangler's Photo Studio, fliemonton, Utah. m24-tf l FOR SALE Good home la1 Sarland nt a bargain. Situated m Factory street Enquire of Harry Passoy, 803 20th St., Ogden, Utah, or John J. Slium-way, Slium-way, Garland. ml7-tf-adv. mmmmmammmmmmmmmBamammmmm Your Money j ji DRAWS 1 1 j INTEREST jj 1 When it is in the sav-! ings department of this j ) bank. j i It earns nothing when i j carried in your pock- j j ets. j ! Open an Account J TO-DAY ! The Bank of Garland ! Garland Cafe ' a good place to ! EAT I meals at all hours. MRS. G. S. MOWUY, Prop Garland, Utah,. Garland Milling Company Com-pany Manufacturers of the Famoaa PRIDE OF UTAH StrniRUt Grade FLOUR Also all kinds of Mill StulV-1-Tiie best mill in the Bear River Valley HiRhest onph price paid foi HOOD WHEAT. Wheat ne .;pted for storage to be drawn it in flour. NwaK THE DEPOT Uitiiu.id, - - - Utah WM. E. DAVIS ) LAWYER Practices in all Courts j First National Bank BldR I BRIGHAM. UTAH j WMMss1MMssSjstsisSsasw Hadley9s GARAGE and LIVERY Tiemonton. Utah Phoue 18 Cui h at nil timeH for Pas Hi'URHr Truffie to all parts of I he eouuty. Automobiles repaired und cared for by the day or week UaKl"te, Oil and Supplier H:tyw Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and I Repaired I - ' Coombs, fc Persson Company THE CLOTHIERS Tremonton Furniture Co- :i LICENSED , EMBALMERS AND Undertakers , MODERNLY EQUIPPED Tho Most UP-TO-DATE MORGUE, In Northern Utah ; Tremonton, Utah I B.NiRht Phoue 91 Garland City i HOTEL J f D, L. Forntworih. Manager, 1 W. E- QETZ EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Permanently Located I have the cxperlonco and B training, togethor with all mo- I dorn equipment for properly g testing the eyes. -I HONEST TREATMENT .1 I'UICES REASONABLE -1 Tremonton. - - - Utah r"yl , -Wji IRJRV Is mado better, costs H RRRRR7 more, but ilves more I n RRRRV scnriccthiDotbcrbroomi, LI Little Polly j he Only Broom With a Name! H The Only Broom Worth Advertising! J The Only Broom Worth Buying! jl I" Wears Six SVionths 0 Makes Sweeping Easy U Six Ounces Lighter Rjt RRSIBRRB PRICE y B $1.25 HFOR ONE WEEKU R Garland Mercantile Co. B PHORE-No,- : Q J - ! |