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Show Largest AmericanFbg Mthe World now being displayed by the NewYorkHippodwmc PBVIBHiHV?H BBBBaBa;0 B kb hh BLHBhiVBIHBH aBBBBBBBtBw -aBw. iaBH ItmTTTiaTat uHBSlkHHtlB bbbbbVkBbkIbH rfciwfc BbbISbbSb g. rr-vWftL?" , T" Vwmwo'Ji rm fss, ,- , T'ViwflHMiaBBBBBBV f : tfe i II i i , ... (For tho story and pictures of tho making and unfurling of tho largest , ' " Old Glory in tho world wo nro In- . debted to Gcphnrt Bros. Co.) : v . ' Tho flag wna conceived and made - ' - by tho employees of the Royal Tailors, " Chicago and New York, as an emblem '- of gratltudo and prldo for their ' brothers, husbands, sweethearts and -. . ' J , - fellow workers who offered their all '''. in tho scrvico of Justice, freedom and humanity. , t ? : Fivo hundred earnest heads and .'., loyal hearts brought this glorified ' ' American flag into existence in C , , hours and 17 minutes. It is 160 feet , long by 80 feet Avldo, or a total of . v. tj,, 18,800 square feet. Stripes nro six I j:''-' ' feet wide and the stars aro fivo feet high. Nearly a milo of bunting was used in this great cxpanso of Stars and Stripes. Tho flag was first unfurled tho Fourth of July from 'tho top of the seven-story building whoro it was made. Labor day it was viewed by 250,000 marchers in tho great Chicago Labor Day parade, Tho following days, up to September Septem-ber 15, it was unfurled twico daily at tho United States Government War Exhibition, at Grant Park, whoro it is estimated 2,000,000 peoplo saw it. When the Fourth Liberty Loan drive started, the New York Loan Committee requisitioned it as a patriotically patri-otically impressive pld to help win the war. It was unfurled in the presence of 10,000 pcoplo at the dedicatory exercise, October 4, "In the main con-courso con-courso of the Grand Central Depot. Closo to 2,000,000 people aaluated it during Its stay there from October 4 to October 19. This monumental symbol of America Amer-ica now hangs suspended from the ceiling of the New'York Hippodrome, where hundreds of thousands of peoplo peo-plo will pay homage to it during tho next two months. Youra very truly, .t THE ROYAL TAILORS, 'j Chicago, III! , |