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Show The Red Cross Will Carry On o With tho cessation of hostilities and tho assurance of permanent world pence and democracy, it must bo realized that the work of tho American Amer-ican Red Cross is only begun. As the soul of tho nation organized for service, ser-vice, recognized by tho government as a 'part of itsolf, its work must go on. With miraculous speed tho government govern-ment transported overseas an army of moro than two million men, and vast' stores of food, clothing, munitions and other necessaries. These men cannot bo returned to this country with tho speed with which. they were taken abroad. Besides, many of them must bo kept In servico thero for a long timo to come. We havo also thousands of wounded, wound-ed, disabled and convalescent soldiers; as long as thoy need nursing and cheer, tho Red Cross must carry on. In those allied countries which have been ravished by Hun hordes, tho very machinery of llfo has boon left shattered shat-tered and disorganized; natural resources re-sources havo been exhausted, homes destroyed and fields torn up. Until our last man is brought homo, until tho normal condition of peace Is restored, re-stored, until the blight which has laid nearly all Europo wasto is removed, tho Red Cross will sustain, heal and cheer. The Red Cross is founded upon the ideal which has. been tho heritage of our nation tho inspiration ofpur his- tory.thc. iaiii9lU!!c tereldlhTwar to vindicate. "It'ls' the Greatest Mother in tho World, bo-cause bo-cause it is the embodiment of mercy, and mercy Is tho test of Brotherhood, Just as Brotherhood Is the test of Democracy. "Not for ourselves, but for all humanity," hu-manity," was tho solemn challenge that brought us to arms. Now that America has attained that righteous peace that shall bring to all men tho right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," tho Red Cross, as tho practical prophet of that peace, cannot can-not and will not abandon tho human wrcckago strewn along the world's devastated highways and byways. Until a redeemed nnd rebulldcd world rejoices In the Justlco, the Righteousness and tho Lasting" Fearo of n self-governed and self-governing Democracy, thero will not be surccaso of loving ministration by tho Red Cross. So long as tho distressed chlldron of men have need, It will feed tho hungry, hun-gry, clothe tho naked, care for tho sick, shelter tho homeless. The work of tho Red Cross Is not finished. It Is only begun. |