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Show SUPPLY OF FEED FOR WINTER- Farmers Should Co-Operate In Purchase Pur-chase of Concentrates to Savo Freight and Handling. (Prepared by the United States Department Depart-ment of AsTlculturo.) Dnlry and live-stock fanners ihould lay In their sijpply of concentrated feeds; such as cottonseed meal, velvet beau meal, peanut meal, etc., as early as possible. Thero Is no Indication Preparing Winter Feed for Easy Storage. thnt prices will bo lower In tho future, fu-ture, and freight congestion will doubtless become moro serious ns winter ndvnnccs. An far as possible farmers should co-operato In tho' pur-chaso pur-chaso of sucli feeds, so ns to be able to ship In car lots. Considerable expense ex-pense In freight nnd hnndllng by middlemen mid-dlemen mny bo saved by purchasing In this way. |