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Show UMP GIVES QUEER GRID RULE Coach of League leland Marines Re. lates Odd Decision of Arbiter In Football Game. Hero Is one fpr tho book which was unearthed hy Byron Dickson, conch of tho marines nt League Island: "Wo were playing a ganio tho other day," said Hy, "and my team was forced to punt when near the goal line. It was a bum kick and one of tho opponents, raised his arm In signal for n fair catch. Hoivover, the ball roll short and anotlitr player out In ont of h's caught tho hull und mu It back for a good gain: Wo protested protest-ed to tho ofllclal, but there was nothing noth-ing doing. "After iho gamo I asked him to give mo a ruling on thut particular play, and this Is what he handed mo: " 'A man tins n right to slgnnl for n fair catch nnd another plnyer amy catch the ball, providing he runs In front of him. That makes It legal. If, however, how-ever, hi) runs behind tho man who hIr-nnled hIr-nnled for the catch the play Is Illegal and should bo called back.'" |