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Show The Christmas Spirit : ' t Christmas penco is God's and t-', t-', ho must glvo it himself, with his ; 5 own hand, or wo shall novor get x I It Go then to God himself, f; Thou art his child, as Chrlstmns t ; day declares; bo not afrnld to t. go unto thy father. Pray to ; him; tell him what thou want t-est t-est ; say, "Father, I am not mod ; crntc, reasonable, forbearing. I i. fenr I ennnot keep Chrlstmns J; J aright, for I have not n pencoful 2. !i Chrlstmus spirit In me; nnd 1 ;i know tliut I shnll never get It ; i by. thlnkhg, nnd rending nnd un ;J dorstnndliig; for It pnsses nil x that, nnd lies far beyond It, docs r. ij pence, In tho very essenco of ; i thlno undivided, unmoved, nbso r,; lute, eternal Godhead, which no i chaiigo nor decay of this created ! x world, nor sin or folly of men or S ' devils, enn over niter, but jf !t which uhldcth forovcr what It S ; Is, In perfect rest, nnd perfect v t power and perfect tovc. Kings- $ |