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Show UTAH STATE NEWS With the opening of the iiutomobllo mud up Cedar cntiyon In southern Utah, 20,000,000 feet of lumber will bo obtainable. Typhoid fever Benson Is Just cmnlng on In Ululi. The state board of health announces that typhoid vaccine ) furnished fur-nished free hy the board. Itelull stores which denl In foodstuffs food-stuffs lire coining under the eye of tho government In the federal foodstuffs Investigation now In full Hwlng. The body of Lander Johnson, who was killed by a Mexican sheepherdcr upon his ranch near Klkhoni, Wyo., was brought to Ogden for burial. The building of 1111 addition to tho Martha home to cost nbout $,'1000 Is to be curried out by the merchants, manufacturers, man-ufacturers, citizens and organizations of Ogden. , Tliu plant of the Mt. Nebo Mnilnu company, nt. Salt Luke, closed when the mill worker demanded a wage increase in-crease of GO cents a day, mid has not resumed business. This year the peach crop to go out of Utah county Is estimated to be -100 carloads, with 480 bushels to each cn, making a total output of approximately approximate-ly lO-J.OOO bushels. .Sheepmen from every juirt of the United States met nt -Salt IJike the fore part of tho week for tliu fourth fliiniuil ram sale of the Natlouul Wool Orowers' association. .Speculators are buying drafts from Salt Ijiku hanks 011 Italian ntid Herman Her-man banking houses, .anticipating an ulvaiice In the mite of exchange, no-ro'rdliig no-ro'rdliig to local '.bankers. Twenty-four hundred lUtoh x-ji'-vice men are today wonrlng oil their coat lapels tho government bronxo tory button, which the army Ih Issuing to men who saw war-tlino service. Vivian Pnpplcton, J7 years -old, f Ogden, was struck over the .head with 11 water bottle by 11 burglar whonitdie discovered In .hor room when shi awoke. Tho iblow 'rendered .her nil-conscious. nil-conscious. Kmplnymcnt agency proprietors nd union labor leaders of Salt Uike :imvc declared that they will oppose the state Industrial commission taking control of the iprlvalo employment agencies. 11. A. Hart, -supervising drainage engineer, who thus relumed from 11 tour of the state, says projects aire, under way that will cost about :5;(iO.V 000 mid will reclaim approximately:!'.",-000 approximately:!'.",-000 acres. Nine cadets of the Salt .Lake high schools lire buck from six weeks' attendance at-tendance at the reserve officers' training camp .tit Ihu Presidio, ,Sat Francisco, with lexaellunt showing ior their time spent. Acconllng to ithu (government .estimate .esti-mate of cnM, sent out .from the United Unit-ed States department of agriculture, the average probable ;potato yield for Utah' will be 185 bushels per .acre, .111 against Ji to "M Inst .year. MIsh Luella Krtincy, .formerly with the board of health 11U .'Salt Lake, has relumed to this .(jountry ifrom .Serbia ufter winning from Prince Alexander of that country the cross of. mercy .for her work with the lied Cniss. The lifeless boiy .of Mrs. Charles Jenkins, fi7 years .of .age, uf Ogden, ws found upon the floor .of her kitchen kit-chen when her husband, .1111 employee of the railroad shops, returned .from work. Heurt Xullure was iihu .cause of dmlh. MIkm Donna V3m1m .Culvert, first clerk of the Ogden city. draft board, 1111 employee of the war risk Insurance bureau lit Washington, D. C, and pnimliieut In lied -Cross jiiul war relief activities, died Jit m (Ogdeii hospital from typhoid few. llccuiiKM of a erlouK shortage of water nt the county Infirmary at Pro-vo, Pro-vo, inusedjiy the emptying of the reservoir res-ervoir and tho drying up of the springs, the county 4-omiulsslnucrs are tunneling further Into the mountain to develop more 'water. The people, of 1'rovo bench and Pro-vi Pro-vi 1 canyon bench have begun the gathering gath-ering of their peachiw and prunes. From reports made hy fruitgrowers, the prune nop Is the heaviest ever alsetl In this valley. The peach crop, however, Is a little under normal. The activities of the Utah Water Storage association, recently formed by representatives appointed by the county commissioners of Salt take, Davis, Weber, Utah, Wasatch, Tooele, .Summit and Morgan counties', will be extended to tho entire state. Aeriul feats In Curtlss planes owned by the Western Aircraft corporation will feature the fifth annual Oood Time carnival of the Lehl Cwifmerclul club at Saratoga Springs on Labor day, If the plans of the. entertainment .'ommlttee uro fulfilled. John II. Smith, colored, was arrested .it Salt Lake last week for tho alleged murder of a man named Ilruniion In San Francisco, April 11, 1010. The arrest was made nt the request of tho Cullfornla authorities. Georgo Austin, aged 15, Was Instantly Instant-ly killed when the horse he was riding at tho Austin & Sons sheep ranch, about forty miles north of Coalville, stumbled and throw him heavily. Ho was on his way to tho ranch house after looking after somo sheep when tliu mlsliuii occurred. Attorney General Shields has been I instructed by Gov. Simon llmnborger 0 Institute proceedings ngnlnst any md nil profiteers. Though Utah laws i-o adequate for prosecuting offend-i's, offend-i's, 110 1 pedal-funds havo been pro-led pro-led t '"iv the cost of prosecution. |