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Show SET THEIR MINDS AT EASE (Cases ,Are Numerous Whsre Wrong-tdoer, Wrong-tdoer, After fUny Years, Maks 'Restitution to Show Regret, The sting of conscience la not al-ways al-ways dulled by tho lapse of time. 'There Is no more bitter penalty than to spend ono's life with an accusing conscience, no more unpleasant mem-.or mem-.or than of' a wrong done. That Is particularly true where It Is In the power of the Individual to repair the yronr, ito show ; by restitution that regret re-gret Is. real. 'Conscience money Is frequently re ceived by Individuals and corporations. There may bo times when payment come from Individuals who arc menially menial-ly afflicted, but In many cases where ipayments could bo traced buck they were made to ease or accusing conscience, con-science, to right n wrong of years ago. There are oilier Individuals who do not uso mystery, but who come .out In Hie open and pay debts long slnco outlawed out-lawed many times forgotten. Thoro nre stories .of these belated payments frequently .printed, the last one .coming from North Dakota, where a man paid A debt nearly thirty years old. lie iwt only paid the debt, but he paid Interest to date and cleaned the transaction up s a nan ought to do. Ohio Stat Journal. |