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Show FORTY MINERS ARE ENTOMBED Explosion Cuts Off All Chances of Escape Es-cape of. Men and All Are Believed Be-lieved to Have Perished. Birmingham, Ala. Forty miners wero entombed In the Mulga mine of tho Birmingham Railway Coal & Iron company at Mulga, Ala., by an explosion at 0 o'clock Wednesday night. It Is bellpved all are dead. The cages In the shaft of tho mlno wore so badly sprung by the forco of tho explosion that they are useless, and all other moans adopted by rescue res-cue parties In an effort to reach tho entombed men have proved futile. There arc fifteen white and twenty-five twenty-five negro laborers In the mine. Following Fol-lowing tho explosion, flames shot up the mino shaft 400 foot and tho ground is covered with charred timbers, tim-bers, which wero blown from the bottom bot-tom of a 350-foot shaft by the explosion. explo-sion. Every window In the little mining min-ing village was broken. |