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Show Thursday afternoon of this week, Mrs. Pearl B. Foulger entertained the members of the I Ladies' Self-Culture Club at her home on Factory street. Vico-Prest. Annie Edwards presiding. pre-siding. Fifteen members were present and the following ladies wore guests of tho hostess: Mesdames LeRoy Coles, Ellen Glover, Mary B. Preston, G race I Haws, Elizabeth Rich and E&sie Barber. Mrs. Agnes Wheelon, chairman chair-man of tho Kindergarten committee, com-mittee, reported that the committee com-mittee had canvassed the city in tho interest of a Kindergarten and had found most of the parent's par-ent's deeply interested. Secy. Lucy A. Clark was instructed to writotothe Board of Education requesting free uso of Garland school house aud any assistance they could offer. Curront topics were given by Mrs. Esther Evans. The May Pole danee and the Religion Reli-gion class fair this coming fall were discussed by themembors. Delicious refreshments wore sorved and the Club adjourned for two weeks to meet at tho homo of Mrs. Lucy A. Clark. |