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Show ASK FOR HEW-MO-JA Tho now hltfh sjrndo, Btool cut ; porfoct Coffoo. Tho only frosh , roasted Coffoo In tho stnto. Blondcd, roasted and packed by Hewlett Bros. Co. Sold by your ijrocor for 40c por pound. ' ' iTAfc-KARlv 01:AGURNTE&i , Think of this a minute! S It coats twonty-flvo cents a month 1o carry one of our $75.00 watches If It only wears twonty-flvo yonrs. Without abuso It will wear twlco Jong. """WCjri-UIN It salt lake city, utaii ! Why Not Own g C FT CI rm ? Thousands ol acres M i. x aim. choice agricultural U land being hroucht under cultivation In J Millard und Ucavcrcountles by Irrigation H Fifty Thousand Acres N In Mlllu'rd county will he disposed ol un- B der Carey Act rulcii. Druulng ut Lynn, II Utah, (Lynndyl I O.) Monday. April 11, a See the Agent at 109 Main Street, ll'limie H Bell Exchange 16) (or excursion rules H I and literature. IJ i T. 0. I'r.CK, J. II. MANUKlirlRM), I Gen, Pass. Ant. Asst. Hen. Pass, Act. H CRAGER WIRE & IRON WORKS S31 STATE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY . IrL'lifcjifi ' ttttt ; t.tt) (ttt X ttttt 222.! ! 2 2 2 2 I w 2 2 2) Th above represents one ol the ninny different design of Iron Fence r manufacture lor residence, resi-dence, cemetery lots and public buildings, i Write lor catalogue and prices, ITESTED SEEDS I It costs hundreds of dollars every year to I TEST OUR SEEDS H Dut when you buy them you can depend I they possess The Quality. Write (or our I Free Descriptive Cataloc. I POUTER-WALTON CO., Salt Lake City UIIUTirn MEK AND WOMEN to Learn WAN B E.U BarbcrTrudeln Klcht Weeks. rBI1 Tuition, with set o( tools. SUV Tuition, with partial set ol tools. AddrcBS MOHLER DARBBR COLLEGE II Commercial Street Salt Lake City. t-'lah RUBBER STAMPS IIEfiHil line nubbcr Typo Outllts, and supplies In etock. Mall orders receive prompt attention, ALT LAKE STAMP CO., Salt Lake City |